Advanced Professional Certificate

Advanced Professional Certificate in Nursing Informatics

Programme Objectives

This Advanced Professional Certificate will equip learners with the following competencies:

  • Understand the inter-relation among Computer Science, Information Science and Health Science to support the management and processing of data, information and knowledge in healthcare delivery.
  • Apply Health Informatics to advance healthcare delivery and practice to ultimately improve patient outcomes.
  • Understand the importance of data to a healthcare institution for operations and planning, evaluation of performance goals and improvement of service and patient care.
  • Learn the tools and techniques to clean, process, analyse and interpret various categories of healthcare analytics.
  • Discuss how information system security affects privacy, confidentiality, and security.
  • Discuss the impact that Internet technology has on the security of health-related information.
  • Apply the various models and tools learnt in Digital Project Management.
  • Understand Requirements Management in relations to planning and executing digital projects.

Job Role Readiness

It will prepare learners in the following job roles to perform their responsibilities more effectively

  • Healthcare informaticians, IT, Nurses, supporting staff and healthcare software providers.
  • Nursing and clinical employees who are responsible for improving, clinical, patients and delivery processes.

Who Should Attend

Mid-career PMETs looking to pivot into nursing informatics area or job roles.


At least a polytechnic diploma (or equivalent)


A/Prof Danny Poo

Dr Lek Hsiang Hui

Ms Samantha Sow

Dr Yeo Wee Kiang

Mr Loh Yong Chye

Programme Fees

Singapore Citizens Singapore PRs Enhanced Training Support for SMEs International Participants
39 years old or younger 40 years old or older
S$5,395.50 S$2,095.50 S$5,395.50 S$2,095.50 S$17,985.00
  1. Total Nett Programme Fee Payable, Including GST, after additional funding from the various funding schemes
  2. Participants must fulfill at least 75% attendance and pass all assessment components for all short courses within an advanced professional certificate to be eligible for SSG funding.
  3. GST shall apply at prevailing rates.
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