Executive & Professional Development Programmes

Designed with practising ICT professionals in mind, the Executive and Professional Development Programmes by NUS ACE are suitable for for individuals who are currently working in the ICT sector, or possess an ICT background and/or experience. The learning tracks are intended to equip the participants with the foundational knowledge and subsequently, the advanced skills to update and enhance their competencies.

Each of our comprehensive suite of Executive and Professional Development Programmes are a structured training road map designed to support the development needs of the ICT professional. These programmes are guided by the 14 emerging and disruptive skills in tech, with an emphasis on the future of business and work dynamics, namely:

Programmes for executive and professional development adopt the Industry 4.0 Framework, which involves various advanced technologies that help industries become more reliable, productive, and efficient in the age of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA). The framework revolves around the future of industry that is characterised by digitalisation and disruption, and a higher level of organisation over entire value chains across industries, globally. It entails the application of emerging technologies that connect with other sectors throughout the value chain and across operations.

When you undertake any of our Executive & Professional Development Programme, each course that you take is a stepping stone to a higher Certificate that, when completed in its entirety, leads to an Advanced Professional Certificate, which broadens your eligibility for ICT positions and job postings within the industry.