Advanced Professional Certificate

Advanced Professional Certificate in Digital Business

Programme Objectives

This Advanced Professional Certificate will equip learners with the following competencies:

  • Digital Product Management in Strategy and Leadership, Planning and Development
  • Digital Marketing and Customer Insights
  • Application and Development of Text Mining and Sales Analytics
  • Web and Mobile Application Development and Deployment

Job Role Readiness

It will prepare learners in the following job roles to perform their responsibilities more effectively:

  • Business/Product Development Professionals
  • Digital Product/Marketing Professionals
  • Social Media Executives
  • Software Engineers, Software Developers, Web Developers, Mobile Applications Developers

Who Should Attend

Professionals with at least a diploma


  • Professional Certificate in Digital Marketing & Customer Insights
  • Familiarity with R programming language and control structures (Sentiment Analysis in Social Media)
  • Professional Certificate in Web and Mobile Application Development
  • Some basic web development and JavaScript knowledge


Adj Prof Lai Kok Fung

Dr Lek Hsiang Hui

Mr Lee Boon Kee

Ms Samantha Sow

Programme Fees

Singapore Citizens Singapore PRs Enhanced Training Support for SMEs International Participants
39 years old or younger 40 years old or older
S$6,114.90 S$2,374.90 S$6,114.90 S$2,374.90 S$20,383.00
  1. Total Nett Programme Fee Payable, including GST, after additional funding from various funding schemes.
  2. Participants must fulfill at least 75% attendance and pass all assessment components for all short courses within an advanced professional certificate to be eligible for SSG funding.
  3. Please note that all external funding for courses is limited in duration and subject to eligibility and availability.
  4. Maximum Candidature Period: Candidates who enrol for the professional certificates must complete the programme within three years from the start of their course.