Business Analytics: Using Analytics as a Competitive Advantage

Programme Overview

What is Business Analytics and why is it important in leading companies, enterprises and organisations?
Analytics is reshaping industry competition and organizations’ core businesses at an accelerating pace. In McKinsey Global Survey 2017, respondents say that the changes data and analytics have brought to their industries are growing in both magnitude and scope. Across industries, the use of analytics is increasingly changing the nature of competition in the industries significantly.

Transformational uses of analytics have been applied across major industries from education, entertainment and hospitality, financial services, health care, retail, supply chain, transportation, manufacturing and information technology sectors. These approaches have had a direct impact on the business outcomes.

Analytics plays a crucial role across industries and within the organisations. From identifying business opportunities, gaining deeper insights, making data driven decisions, ensuring adoption, growing capabilities, analytics plays a vital role in impactful business outcomes. Understanding the strengths (and limitations) of Analytics empowers the next generation of IT and business professionals to maximize the use of Analytics and ensure the best outcomes for the organisations they work in.

Learning Objectives

Over the course of these lectures, participants will gain an understanding of what Business Analytics actually is and the basic principles behind it. From these fundamentals, they will then be provided with an overview of current business analytics in the major domains where analytics is being applied, a workable approach to drive the business analytics adoption in the workplace and finally the development of an exploratory data analysis dashboard for communication with their stakeholders.

How they Benefit

With an understanding of Business Analytics and its application, participants will have the basic skills and knowledge to allow them to identify opportunities in the companies and organisations through Analytics. This course will also provide participants with a solid foundation to allow them to further develop their business analytics skillset over the course of their training and careers.


This course is targeted towards those who intend to follow a career in Analytics and other related courses. There are no prerequisites for this course as the material will cover the basics of analytics through advanced applications in companies, enterprises and organisations.
The course will be delivered in English.

Programme Content

• Introduction to Business Analytics
• Business Analytics Principles
• Applications of Business Analytics
• Practical Business Analytics
• Final Project Presentation


Ms Samantha SowMs Samantha Sow

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