AI and ChatGPT

Programme Overview

In this short course, we aim to introduce AI and ChatGPT to the young generation. ChatGPT, a groundbreaking AI technology in recent years, has significantly improved text processing capabilities across various industries and is likely to transform how we operate within society and the business world. Therefore, it is important for the young generation to understand the workings of AI and ChatGPT and learn to utilise them properly.

Learning Objectives

The primary objective of this course is to equip the next generation of young talents with a comprehensive understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT. By fostering a strong foundation in AI concepts, natural language processing, deep learning, and prompt engineering, students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively utilise ChatGPT and similar AI technologies across various industries. The course aims to empower students to become proficient in harnessing the transformative potential of AI, preparing them to excel in their future academic and professional pursuits, and contribute to the ongoing innovation in the field of artificial intelligence.

How they Benefit

With an understanding of AI and ChatGPT, participants will have the basic skills and knowledge to allow them to identify opportunities to improve their personal and business performance through AI. This course will also provide participants with a solid foundation to allow them to further develop their AI skillset over the course of their training and careers.


This course is targeted toward high school and first-year college students. There are no prerequisites for this course as the material will cover the basics of AI and ChatGPT through to advanced applications. The course will be delivered in English.

Programme Content

• Introduction to AI and Chatbot
• Natural Language Processing (NLP) Basics
• Deep Learning and Neural Networks
• ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering
• Presentations


Dr Ai XinDr Ai Xin


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