Professional Certificate

Professional Certificate in Machine Learning Using Python

Programme Structure

Programme NameProgramme ScheduleMode of DeliveryProgramme Code
Python ProgrammingTo be advisedClassroom LearningTGS-2022011018
Machine Learning in PythonTo be advisedClassroom LearningTGS-2022011025
Duration 6 days

Programme Overview

The Professional Certificate in Machine Learning Using Python offers a thorough curriculum that provides learners with vital skills in Python programming and Machine Learning. The Python Programming section covers essential Python features, data structures, and programming constructs, alongside an exploration of the robust Numpy and pandas libraries for data analysis. In the Machine Learning portion, participants are introduced to key concepts of supervised (e.g., Linear Regression, Logistic Regression) and unsupervised (e.g., K-Means, Hierarchical Clustering) learning techniques. The programme enables participants to develop Machine Learning applications using Python. This certificate is designed to prepare mid-career professionals for positions such as data analysts, business analysts, and data engineers, with a focus on practical implementation in business environments.

Programme Objectives

This PC will equip learners with the following competencies:

  • Learn the various Machine Learning methods in data analysis
  • Have the necessary knowledge and strong foundation to appreciate the proper application of advanced analytics methods in business applications
  • Learn data structures and programming constructs in Python and have a strong foundation in Python programming
  • Learn and apply the Python programming language for creating Machine Learning applications

Job Role Readiness

This programme is designed for mid-career PMETs and to meet the needs of:
Professionals who plan to be a Data Analyst/Business Analyst that is capable of integrating Business, Customer and Technology to produce digital products that the market needs.

It will prepare learners for the following job roles to perform their responsibilities more effectively:

  • Business Analyst
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Engineer


  • At least a polytechnic diploma or equivalent.
  • Basic Python programming skills. Click to view the course detail of Python Programming.

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Types of Available Fundings

  • Enhanced Training Support
  • SFEC
  • PSEA
  • Instructors

    A/Prof Danny Poo

    Dr Ai Xin

    Dr Amirhassan Monajemi

    A/Prof Tan Wee Kek

    Dr Leong Wai Kay

    Programme Fees

    Singapore Citizens Singapore PRs Enhanced Training Support for SMEs International Participants
    39 years old or younger 40 years old or older
    S$1,765.80 S$685.80 S$1,765.80 S$685.80 S$5,886.00
    1. Total Nett Programme Fee Payable, including GST, after additional funding from various funding schemes.
    2. Participants must fulfill at least 75% attendance and pass all assessment components for all short courses within a professional certificate in order to be eligible for SSG funding.
    3. Please note that all external funding for courses is limited in duration and subject to eligibility and availability.
    4. Maximum Candidature Period: Candidates who enrol for the professional certificates must complete the programme within three years from the start of their course.