Professional Certificate

Professional Certificate in Cybersecurity and Privacy Engineering

Programme Structure

Programme NameProgramme ScheduleMode of DeliveryProgramme Code
Cybersecurity Management for Non-Technical Executives and ProfessionalsTo be advisedSynchronous e-LearningTGS-2022012726
Built to Last! Achieving Resilience with Governance and SecurityTo be advisedSynchronous e-LearningTGS-2020507560
Privacy Engineering EssentialsTo be advisedSynchronous e-LearningTGS-2022013129
Duration 7 days

Programme Overview

This comprehensive cybersecurity and privacy management professional certificate aims to provide students with an understanding of cybersecurity, business risks, and privacy engineering. Throughout the course, participants will gain the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively manage cybersecurity and privacy concerns within a business environment. The course will cover various topics, including risk identification and control implementation, business continuity planning, reputation management, and the integration of privacy frameworks into products and systems.

Programme Objectives

This professional certificate will equip learners with the following competencies:

  • Provide a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity.
  • Understand the business risks, team structure, governance models, investment decisions, quantifying outcomes, sourcing strategies and communicating effectively with cybersecurity professionals.
  • Learn to implement an effective business continuity plan, build your reputation and be productive.
  • Provide the fundamental framework to identify risks and implement controls against potential security concerns.
  • Learn the essence of privacy engineering with a multi-disciplinary perspective, from law, business, usability to technology.
  • Ensure that privacy frameworks, methodologies and techniques are used to embed privacy into products and systems.

It will prepare learners in the following job roles to perform their responsibilities more effectively:

  • Business executives and Technology Management Professionals
  • Data Scientists, Data Protection Officers, Compliance Managers
  • Cyber Security Executives

Who Should Attend

  • Professionals and mid-career PMETS


  • Minimum polytechnic diploma holder
  • Some years of technical experience is preferred


Dr Anand Mohan Ramchand

Dr Yang Lu

Mr Ang Leong Boon

Mr Wong Kar Hong

Dr Prasanna Karthik Vairam

Programme Fees

Singapore Citizens Singapore PRs Enhanced Training Support for SMEs International Participants
39 years old or younger 40 years old or older
S$2,174.55 S$844.55 S$2,174.55 S$844.55 S$7,248.50
  1. Total Nett Programme Fee Payable, including GST, after additional funding from various funding schemes.
  2. Participants must fulfill at least 75% attendance and pass all assessment components for all short courses within a professional certificate in order to be eligible for SSG funding.
  3. Please note that all external funding for courses is limited in duration and subject to eligibility and availability.
  4. Maximum Candidature Period: Candidates who enrol for the professional certificates must complete the programme within three years from the start of their course.