Fueling Success through Lifelong Learning

Article contributed by Lai Hoi Bing

In 2021, while the COVID-19 pandemic was still ongoing, I completed my final-year undergraduate studies in the Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Design programme at the National University of Singapore (NUS).

Upon graduation, I joined Envision Digital International, a company focused on bringing technology solutions to meet businesses’ sustainability challenges, as a Product Designer. It was through my work that I understood the complicated process behind the adoption of digital solutions and why some businesses might be resistant to adopting them.

There are many obstacles for businesses to overcome, such as budget constraints, data privacy and security concerns, and quantifying the merits of leveraging digital solutions as opposed to traditional solutions. I realised that if I want to enhance the value I provide to my clients, I will need to be trained in understanding their thought process better.

In 2022, I came across the Professional Certificate in Digital Transformation offered by the Advanced Computing for Executives (ACE) programme at the NUS School of Computing through their social media. The professional certificate delves into topics such as digital marketing, e-commerce, and digital technology.

I chose to enrol in this course because it focuses on making operational decisions in the digital transformation of a business. The course provided me with a broad overview of digital technologies such as Robotic Process Automation, workflow management, and cloud productivity solutions. It was very helpful in equipping me with an understanding of my clients’ thought process when deciding on the best solutions. It also allowed me to speak my clients’ language and help them make decisions on the appropriate solutions to help digitalise their sustainability efforts.

I was able to take up the Professional Certificate, thanks to the NUS Resilience & Growth initiative which provided alumni from the Classes of 2020 and 2021 with vouchers to take up continuing education and training. The voucher helped offset the course fees, which was very important to me as a fresh graduate then.

Learning while working was definitely a challenge but the remote learning platforms made it possible for me to balance work, family and studies. I worked on my coursework while commuting and we used digital collaborative tools like breakout rooms and Miro, a virtual collaboration platform for teams, for group work and hands-on practices.

Through this experience, I have learned that digital transformation is no longer an option for businesses. Upgrading my skills and knowledge is also key to staying competitive and providing value to my clients. I am planning to continue my learning journey by taking new courses and keeping up with industry trends.

About the Writer

Lai Hoi Bing, 29, is a product designer at Envision Digital International. Still going strong in his journey to keep on learning and upskilling, he recently completed a second professional certificate in designing interfaces for the metaverse offered by ACE to deepen his knowledge in this new and exciting field.