Short Course

Digital Transformation – Enablers, Talent and Leadership

Programme ScheduleDuration (days)Mode of DeliveryProgramme Code
To be advised3Classroom LearningTGS-2023035924

Course Overview

One of the reasons for the high transformation failures of 70-92% is the absence of a holistic and structured approach in planning and execution. Leaders often rush into their transformation initiatives by going technology-first.

Digital isn’t a driver of change, it’s an enabler. Too often, there is an outsized focus on technology or digital at the expense of other key factors of change, like customer pain points, how to scale or become profitable, leveraging new ways of working, people, processes, and many more. Thus, to succeed in business transformation, you need a holistic approach that focuses on four dimensions – customers, business, capabilities and people & leadership, and how these key dimensions interact with each other. Organisations that adopt this new approach, achieve better and more successful outcomes. That’s why adopting a different approach to digital transformation is crucial for your success. This course leverages systems thinking to resolve the interactions and circular loops among the four dimensions.

This course covers the capabilities and people and leadership dimensions. The capabilities dimension consists of the following elements – design, methodology, data, information technology, ecosystems and new disciplines, whilst the people and leadership dimension cover the following elements – mission values (otherwise known as your transformation narrative), leadership, talent gap and structure. The outcome of the course allows the participant to understand how to construct these elements to ensure the transformation is feasible. This course highlights the role of enablers like design, methodology, data and information management, technology management adoption and innovation and creating ecosystems, and how to orchestrate these enablers for customer experience management, and product design and development.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Understand how to design the simplest solution to fix the problem fully.
• Define design considerations and discuss their criticality to success and feasibility.
• Describe the key methodologies required to build a great software factory
• Understand and appreciate the role of data, information and information technology (IT) management in transformation.
• Understand how technology adoption and innovation require trade-offs and prioritisation to ensure success
• Map and evaluate potential ecosystem constructs and evaluate any new disciplines needed.
• Define and describe a compelling narrative for your transformation
• Apply systems thinking applications to transformation and acquire the practical skills to lead your transformation.
• Utilising systems thinking applications to understand the interactions between enablers, talent, leadership and customer value and business model.
• Define and discuss the link between customer experience management and product design and development and enablers, talent and leadership.


  • At least 5 years experience in management and leadership positions
  • University degree in any discipline


Dr Dennis Khoo

Mr Choi Jungkiu

Programme Fees

Singapore Citizens Singapore PRs Enhanced Training Support for SMEs International Participants
39 years old
or younger
40 years old
or older
Full Programme Fee S$3,150.00 S$3,150.00 S$3,150.00 S$3,150.00 S$3,150.00
Less: SSG Grant Amount S$2,205.00 S$2,205.00 S$2,205.00 S$2,205.00 -
Nett Programme Fee S$945.00 S$945.00 S$945.00 S$945.00 S$3,150.00
9% GST on Nett Programme Fee S$85.05 S$85.05 S$85.05 S$85.05 S$283.50
Total Nett Programme Fee Payable, Including GST S$1,030.05 S$1,030.05 S$1,030.05 S$1,030.05 S$3,433.50
Less Additional Funding - S$630.00 - S$630.00 -
Total Nett Programme Fee Payable, Including GST, after additional funding from the various funding schemes S$1,030.05 S$400.05 S$1,030.05 S$400.05 S$3,433.50
  1. Total Nett Programme Fee Payable, including GST, after additional funding from various funding schemes.
  2. Participants must fulfill at least 75% attendance and pass all assessment components to be eligible for SSG funding.
  3. Please note that all external funding for courses is limited in duration and subject to eligibility and availability.