Short Course

Digital Innovation Governance and Leadership

Programme ScheduleDuration (days)Mode of DeliveryProgramme Code
For Corporate Requests Only2Classroom LearningTGS-2022014101
For Corporate Requests Only2Synchronous e-LearningTGS-2022014102

Course Overview

Organisations are increasingly embarking on the digitisalition of existing business processes and also developing new digital innovations. However, it has been reported that not all organisations can reap the benefits of digitalisation. This course looks at the important elements that are critical in the innovation process, including organisational structure, organisational culture/mindset, and innovation governance mechanisms. It further introduces several frameworks and tools to identify, invest, and adopt emerging technologies. Additionally, change management, performance management, social responsibility issues related to digital innovation governance and leadership will also be discussed. Case studies from different industries and experiential learning will be used extensively in this course to facilitate learning.

Course Objectives

This course will equip learners with the following competencies:

  • Understand the scope of digital innovation and know the importance of innovation governance
  • Learn the methods to identify emerging technology to invest/adopt and manage technologies as a portfolio
  • Be able to design a hybrid innovation approach and implement any innovation initiatives successfully
  • Through the course, learners will appreciate the multi-faceted issues involved in implementing and leading digital innovation initiatives through the examination of case studies and experiential learning

Who Should Attend

Business Unit Heads, Senior and Middle Managers, Executives


At least a polytechnic diploma

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A/Prof Oh Lih Bin

Programme Fees

Singapore Citizens Singapore PRs Enhanced Training Support for SMEs International Participants
39 years old
or younger
40 years old
or older
Full Programme Fee S$2,100.00 S$2,100.00 S$2,100.00 S$2,100.00 S$2,100.00
Less: SSG Grant Amount S$1,470.00 S$1,470.00 S$1,470.00 S$1,470.00 -
Nett Programme Fee S$630.00 S$630.00 S$630.00 S$630.00 S$2,100.00
9% GST on Nett Programme Fee S$56.70 S$56.70 S$56.70 S$56.70 S$189.00
Total Nett Programme Fee Payable, Including GST S$686.70 S$686.70 S$686.70 S$686.70 S$2,289.00
Less Additional Funding - S$420.00 - S$420.00 -
Total Nett Programme Fee Payable, Including GST, after additional funding from the various funding schemes S$686.70 S$266.70 S$686.70 S$266.70 S$2,289.00
  1. Total Nett Programme Fee Payable, including GST, after additional funding from various funding schemes.
  2. GST shall apply at prevailing rates.
  3. Participants must fulfill at least 75% attendance and pass all assessment components to be eligible for SSG funding.
  4. Singaporeans and Singapore PRs are eligible for up to 90% SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) funding, subject to SSG funding guidelines.

Other Information

This course is eligible for Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP). NTUC members can enjoy up to 50% funding (capped at $250 per year) under UTAP. NTUC members aged 40 and above can enjoy higher funding support up to $500 per individual each year, capped at 50% of unfunded course fees, for courses attended between 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2025. Please click here for more information.