Boosting Adult Learning: NUS ACE Holds Inaugural COP Session for Instructors

The NUS Advanced Computing for Executives (NUS ACE) recently organised its inaugural Community of Practice (COP) session for instructors. Taking place on June 1st, the three-hour event, “Apply Engagement Strategies for Adult Learning”, saw active participation from 26 executive education fellows and instructors.

Bryan Tay, an adjunct instructor from the Institute of Adult Learning, facilitated the session which focused on discussing the challenges faced when training adult learners and working professionals in both face-to-face and e-learning environments. “The class dynamics were generally good, and I could observe their dedication and appreciation for refreshing and acquiring knowledge. As it was the inaugural session, we successfully achieved the session objectives and laid a solid foundation,” said Mr Tay.

During the workshop, participants learned about the principles of adult learning and blended learning theories. They also engaged in two practical challenges. According to one of the participants, Mr KK Lim, the session was “a good refresher on delivering adult training”.

Mr Raju Chellam, who also took part in the andragogy workshop, said he learned the “ABC” – Andragogy, Blended Learning and Cognitive Domain – from the facilitator.

Andragogy, Mr Chellam said, refers to “the art of helping adults learn as opposed to pedagogy, which helps children learn”. Blended Learning, he added, brings “out the best from classroom-facilitated learning and tech-enabled learning” while Cognitive Domain encompasses “Bloom’s taxonomy curated in a complex circle of comprehension”.

Dr Chan Mun Kitt, the centre head, expressed satisfaction with the turnout, stating “We will continue to provide valuable networking opportunities that support the professional development of our instructors.”