Teaching Team
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
A/Prof Danny Poo

A/Prof Danny Poo
A/Prof Danny Poo brings with him 35 years of Software Engineering and Information Technology and Management experience. A graduate from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), England, Dr Poo is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore. Prior to joining the University, Dr Poo was with the System Operations at DBSBank, Singapore. A Steering Committee member of the Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Dr Poo is actively involved in Information Management and Healthcare Analytics research. A well-known speaker in seminars, Dr Poo has conducted numerous in-house training and consultancy for organizations, both locally and regionally. Dr Poo is the author of five books on Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Java Programming language and Enterprise JavaBeans.Dr Poo notable teaching credentials include:
- Data Strategy
- Data StoryTelling
- Data Visualisation
- Data Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Data Management
- Data Governance
- Data Architecture
- Capstone Projects for Business Analytics
- Software Engineering
- Server-side Systems Design and Development
- Information Technology Project Management
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Analytics
- Health Informatics Leadership.
- Deutsche Bank
- Gemplus
- Micron
- Rhode-Schwarz
- Standard Chartered Bank
- ST Electronic
- Monetary Authority of Singapore
- Infocomm Development Authority
- National Library Board
- Ministry of Manpower
- Nanyang Technological University
- Nanyang Polytechnic
- National University Hospital.
A/Prof Terence Sim

A/Prof Terence Sim
Explain. Demonstrate. Experiment. Inspire. This sums up Dr Terence Sim's teaching and research philosophy. Over the years, Dr Sim has had the pleasure of teaching many courses - Introductory Programming, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Digital Visual Effects, Theoretical Foundations of Multimedia, Analysis of Multimedia - and interacting with many talented students. He is currently teaching a freshmen module in Discrete Structures, and a graduate module in Biometrics Authentication. For research, Dr Sim explores several areas related to Visual Computing: Facial image analysis, Multimodal biometrics, Facial rendering, Computational photography, Continuous authentication, Music transcription, to name a few. He combines machine learning with physics-based modeling and graphics rendering to tackle the challenges in research. Dr Sim also provides consultancy in biometrics, which can be in the form of training, feasibility study, or technical assessment. Dr Sim has published over 100 papers in top international journals and conferences. He is active both as Reviewer and as Senior Program Committee Member in numerous conferences. He is also an IEEE Member. He served as President of the Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence Association in Singapore from 2014 to 2016, and was also Vice President from 2010 to 2014. Dr Sim also strongly believes in International Standards and served as Chairman of Workgroup 6: Cross-Jurisdiction and Societal Issues of the Biometrics Technical Committee in Singapore from 2006 to 2014. Dr Sim considers it a blessing and privilege to have attended, and graduated from three top universities in the world: He obtained his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering in 1990 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), his Master of Science in Computer Science in 1991 from Stanford University, and his Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering in 2002 from Carnegie Mellon University.
A/Prof Xavier Bresson

A/Prof Xavier Bresson
A/Prof Xavier Bresson is an international leader in the field of deep learning. Particularly, he co-pioneered a new machine learning technology called graph neural networks (GNN), which combines graph theory and neural network techniques to tackle complex data domains. He has organised several international conferences and tutorials on graph deep learning such as the recent UCLA’21 workshop on “Deep Learning and Combinatorial Optimization”, the MLSys’21 workshop on “Graph Neural Networks and Systems”, the UCLA’19 workshop on “New Deep Learning Techniques”, and the NeurIPS’17, CVPR’17 and SIAM’18 tutorials on “Geometric Deep Learning on Graphs and Manifolds”. He has been a speaker at the top machine learning conferences KDD’21, AAAI’21, ICLR’20 and ICML’20. In 2002, he co-developed with Turing award winner Yoshua Bengio a new class of expressive GNN. He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed articles, which have been cited 13,500+. A/Prof Bresson has been the main lecturer of undergraduate deep learning courses since 2015 at EPFL, NTU and NUS, and has received outstanding evaluations for his teaching material and engaging style. He has also taught graduate courses on advanced deep learning at NUS and was a guest lecturer for Turing award winner Yann LeCun’s course at NYU. He has provided industrial short courses on AI and Deep Learning to Fortune 500 companies s.a. Deloitte, UnitedHealth and university alumni training centres at UCLA, EPFL, and NTU.
Dr Ai Xin

Dr Ai Xin
Dr Ai Xin is currently a Lecturer with the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She has many years’ experience teaching Artificial Intelligence and Data Science courses such as machine learning, deep learning and data mining. She graduated from NUS with a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Her research focused on Game Theoretical Modelling, Optimization Methods, Algorithm Design and Wireless Networks. She worked at BHP Billiton Marketing Asia for eight years, gaining extensive industry experience in various functions such as risk management, supply chain management, and sales and marketing planning.
Dr Akshay Narayan

Dr Akshay Narayan
Akshay Narayan is a senior lecturer at the School of Computing in NUS. He received his Ph.D. degree from NUS in 2020 and M.Tech from IIIT-Bangalore in 2012. Akshay teaches senior undergraduate/graduate level AI Planning and Decision Making and introductory Software Engineering modules at SoC. Akshay is broadly interested in AI planning, sequential decision making, and its applications. His current research is on transfer learning in reinforcement learning. Previously he has worked in the area of cloud computing. Some of his past projects include smart metering and chargeback as applied to cloud systems, incorporating power awareness in cloud metering, workload analysis for virtual machine sizing and location in private clouds, and QoS monitoring and response in cloud systems.
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi

Dr Amirhassan Monajemi
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi is a Senior Lecturer in AI and Machine Learning with the School of Computing (SoC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Prior to SoC, he was a Senior Lecturer in NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE) teaching AI and Data Science to adult learners. Before joining NUS, he was with the Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan, Iran, where he was serving as a professor of AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science. He was born in Isfahan, Iran. He studied towards BSc and MSc in Computer Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), and Shiraz University respectively. He got his PhD in computer engineering, pattern recognition and image processing, from the University of Bristol, Bristol, England, in 2005. His research interests include AI, Machine Learning, Machine Vision, IoT, Data Science, and their applications. He has taught the artificial intelligence courses, including AI, Advanced AI, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems, Neural Networks, and Cognitive Science since 2005 at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He was awarded the best university teacher of the province in 2012. He also has studied Learning Management Systems, E-Learning, and E-Learning for workplaces since 2007. Dr Monajemi has registered a few patents in the fields of AI, Machine Vision, and Signal Processing applications, including an AI and machine vision-based driver drowsiness detection system and a low power consuming spherical robot. He also has published more than a hundred research papers in peer-reviewed, indexed journals and international conferences (IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, and so on), and supervised several Data Science, IoT, and AI industrial projects in various scales, including Isfahan intelligent traffic system delivery and testing, and red light runners detection. He is experienced in different sub-domains of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, from theory to practice, including Deep Learning, Logic, and Optimisation.
Dr Edmund Low

Dr Edmund Low
Dr Edmund Low is currently Senior Lecturer with the NUS College at the National University of Singapore. He has nearly 20 years of academic and professional experience in the use of data-driven tools to answer questions in public health and the environment. His past projects include applying AI techniques and machine learning models for environmental modelling and impact assessment. He currently heads the quantitative reasoning domain at USP, and teaches courses on statistical methods, data science and machine learning. As an educator, Edmund is a multiple recipient of both the USP Teaching Excellence Award, as well as the NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award. Edmund holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering from Yale University.
Dr Lek Hsiang Hui

Dr Lek Hsiang Hui
Dr Lek Hsiang Hui is a Specialist in Data Analytics, System Analysis and Development. He is an IT techie who is passionate about computer systems and technology. He is involved in a few startups and is constantly looking into innovative IT solutions which can be translated to business ideas, with the recent one in the area of Big Data Analytics. He is also a mobile application developer and has produced more than 10 mobile apps. Dr Lek has been teaching various undergraduate courses and executive courses in National University of Singapore (NUS) since 2006. Some of these modules include programming methodology, enterprise system analysis and development, and data mining. During this period, he has won a number of teaching awards such as NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award (2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18) and NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Honor Roll (2018/19), Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17), and Faculty Teaching Excellence Award Honor Roll (2017/18). Dr Lek received his Doctor of Philosophy (Information Systems) from NUS in 2013. His research area is in Natural Language Processing (Sentiment Analysis). He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree (1st class Honors) in Computer Engineering from NUS. Industry Credentials Shopping Malls (UOL, Marina Square, ION), Healthcare (SingHealth), Government (STB), various SMEs in F&B, Apparels, Cleaning Solutions, Photography, Health Products, Baby Products
Dr Manoranjan Dash

Dr Manoranjan Dash
Dr Manoranjan Dash is a Senior Data Scientist in Data Science Consortium at the National University of Singapore. Before joining the NUS, he was with A*Star as a senior scientist and with NTU as an assistant professor. Dr Dash has extensive experience both in teaching machine learning topics and implementing machine learning (data science) related industry projects. He has taught machine learning and its related subjects for more than 10 years. He has also published more than 70 machine learning related technical papers in reputed conferences and journals. You can see a partial list of publications here.
Dr Natarajan Prabhu

Dr Natarajan Prabhu
Dr Natarajan Prabhu is currently a senior lecturer in the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore. He has 10+ years of experience in teaching for master’s degree programs, undergraduate modules, and continuing education courses. Before joining NUS, he was teaching at DigiPen Institute of Technology, where he taught AI for Games, Digital Image Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Structures, etc. In DigiPen, he developed a master’ degree program for Computer Vision that primarily prepares graduate students to work in the CV industry. After joining NUS as a lecturer, he is currently working on developing and teaching an AI module for non-CS students in Blended learning. He graduated with a Ph.D. degree from NUS in 2013, a master’s degree, and a bachelor’s degree from Anna University in 2008 and 2006, respectively. His Ph.D. thesis was about automatically controlling and coordinating multiple active cameras in surveillance networks. During this time he has gained rich experience in building multi-camera surveillance systems. He has received “Best PhD Forum Paper” award from International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (Hong Kong, 2012) and “Research Achievement Award” from School of Computing, NUS (2012).
Dr Prasanna Karthik Vairam

Dr Prasanna Karthik Vairam
Dr Prasanna Karthik Vairam is a faculty member at National University of Singapore. His research areas include software engineering, security and privacy of Internet users, and AI Privacy. He has a Ph.D. in computer science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT Madras) and a M.Tech degree in computer science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IIT Bombay). In the past, he was a part of Intel’s processor development team, involved in graphics processor design. At NUS, Prasanna was awarded the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award twice, for 2023 and 2024.
Dr Sanka Rasnayaka

Dr Sanka Rasnayaka
I am a lecturer at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore.
My teaching philosophy is to facilitate self-learning by guiding students' thinking towards the final learning outcome, rather than explaining to them how to get there. I enjoy teaching fundamental courses in Computer Science like Discrete Structures, Programming, Algorithms and specialised courses in AI, Machine Learning and Computer Vision.
My research interests are on Continuous Authentication for modern personal devices, on-body gait biometric, privacy and human perceptions.
Executive Education Fellows
Mr Mario Favaits

Mr Mario Favaits
Over the past 25 years, Mr Mario Favaits held several sales and operations (P&L) leadership positions at various multinationals across different industries including Enterprise, Automotive, Public Transport, and Software. Currently, he serves as the Executive Director of Services Sales APJ at Crayon, a fast-growing, listed, Oslo-based IT powerhouse. Crayon helps customers to innovate with scalable AI. Prior to joining Crayon, Mario held leadership positions at Alstom, Continental, Siemens, Oracle, and SMRT, Singapore’s largest Public Transport Operator. Between 2014 and 2019, he was a member of SMRT’s executive leadership team. In 2019, Mario joined the AI and IoT startup scene as an advisor and/or investor. Mario is the co-chair of EuroCham’s Digital Economy Committee and is the author of an online AI course for Executives, in collaboration with Deloitte. He holds a Master of Science in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from the University of Brussels, an MBA from the University of Antwerp Management School, and a Master of Laws from the University of Liverpool.
Mr Raju Chellam

Mr Raju Chellam
Raju Chellam is a Fellow of ACE (Advanced Computing for Executives) at NUS School of Computing. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the AI E&G BoK (AI Ethics & Governance Body of Knowledge), an initiative by the SCS (Singapore Computer Society) & IMDA (Infocomm Media Development Authority) of Singapore. He was conferred as an SCS Fellow in March 2018. Raju is Hon Chairman of Cloud & Data Standards at ITSC (IT Standards Committee), Hon Vice President of SCS Cloud Chapter, and on the Exco of SCS AI & Robotics Chapter. He writes a regular column on tech in The Edge (Malaysia), Dataquest (India), and occasionally in The Straits Times (Singapore). Raju has been in the IT industry for the past 43 years. He was on the APEC DARE (Data Analytics Raising Employment) International Advisory Panel (2016 to 2023), and on the SWF (Singapore Writers Festival) Advisory Panel (2021 to 2023). Raju was previously Head of Big Data & Cloud Practice – as well as Healthcare & Government Solutions – at Dell South Asia (ASEAN, Indo-China, Mongolia & all South Asian countries except India). Prior to Dell, he was Managing Director of TechTrenders Asia, a boutique advisory that helped companies migrate legacy apps to the cloud. He has previously worked in Hewlett-Packard (APJ Director of Comms), AMI Partners Inc (APAC Vice President) and as the BizIT Editor of The Business Times, Singapore, for a decade.
Mr Zaid Bin Hamzah

Mr Zaid Bin Hamzah
Zaid Hamzah is an AI and data strategist and practitioner specialising in AI in finance and law, AI and data governance and AI in information security. An AI patent holder, he is currently an Executive Education Fellow at the National University of Singapore (NUS) School of Computing’s Advanced Computing for Executives centre where he runs programmes on AI Innovation Management, Intellectual Property Rights in AI Innovation, and Commercialisation of AI Innovation. He has taught legal AI at the Singapore Management University School of Law. Zaid is deeply involved in AI R&D and innovation. His AI patent relating to risk management in a supply chain context was granted by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore in December 2023. He is currently involved in AI research and innovation in the area of decision intelligence and cybersecurity. Author of 10 books spanning law, technology, intellectual property and AI, Zaid has over 35 years of professional experience. He has previously served as (i) Microsoft's Director for intellectual property and commercial software; (ii) Senior Legal Advisor to Singtel’s joint venture with Warner Bros and Sony Pictures (iii) Chief Regulatory Legal & Compliance Officer at publicly-listed Telekom Malaysia; (iv) Associate, Khattar Wong & Partners (Singapore law firm) and (v) Singapore Government service. Zaid has a law degree from the National University of Singapore and completed his Masters in International Relations at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University on a Fulbright scholarship. Zaid is a member of the Board of Directors, NIE International (which is wholly owned by Nanyang Technological University). Zaid volunteers his professional services to start ups in the area of AI management and intellectual property protection and regularly conducts community programmes on how to get young children ready for a data and AI future.Instructor
Mr Adam Basor

Mr Adam Basor
Adam Basor has more than 20 years of professional work experience in the Human Resources (HR), Strategy, Leadership & Generative AI space. He has managed the design & implementation of high impact, results-oriented transformative Human Capital/Talent, Leadership, Organisation Development (OD), Strategy & Process Improvement consultancy projects. He is also an Adult Educator with Advanced Computing For Executives (ACE), NUS School of Computing. Adam was conferred the “HR Leader of the Year” award recently at the Digital Human Resources Technology (DHRT) 2024 Summit & Awards, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is also the LinkedIn Top Voice in “Artificial Intelligence” and “Human Resources”. He has been a HR professional since 2000 & had the opportunity to work both locally & internationally as a Management Consultant, Lecturer, Executive Coach, Talent Expert & Trainer in his professional career journey. Adam was actively involved in the national HR agenda. He has partnered with key stakeholders such as Ministry of Manpower, SkillsFuture Singapore, Workforce Singapore to develop the HR leaders, community & ecosystem. Adam is focusing on Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) for Human Resources leading Chief Human Resource Officers (CHROs) & organisations to understand, strategise & implement AI in their HR departments. He has served as the Head with the Islamic Development Bank Group and an Asst. Director with the Institute for Human Resource Professionals, Singapore. He has also managed & facilitated various leadership development programmes locally & internationally. This include middle east organisations such as the Royal Academy of Management, Oman & the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group, Saudi Arabia. As a thought leader, Adam has spoken in seminars & conferences in Kuala Lumpur, KSA & Singapore- Digital Human Resources Technology (DHRT) 2024 Summit & Awards, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- GenAI for Managers, Archova, USA
- GenAI for HR at the Workplace 2024 – Unilever Learning Week, Pakistan
- Generative AI Conference 2024, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
- NUS Chief Technology Officer Program (CTO) Graduation Forum 2024
- The Future Workforce: Adapting and Thriving in the Age of AI, 2023| General Assembly
- Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) Singapore 2023 | HRM Asia
- National University of Singapore (NUS) Adult Educators' Symposium 2024 |Panel Moderator
Tomithy Too

Tomithy Too
Tomithy invests with ST Telemedia – a global VC/PE fund which invests in Telcos, Data Centres, growth stage tech companies in the Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Cloud IT. As the technology investor, Tomithy actively works with target and existing portfolio companies on technical diligence, business strategy and commercial evaluation via their CTO, product & engineering teams. He is knowledgeable about enterprise software technology, trends and market dynamics in the US, China and Israel.
He has a deep interest in governance and reliability of AI systems, generative AI, multi-agent AI systems, evolutionary algorithms and synthetic biology. Tomithy holds a degree in Computational Biology (Hons) from NUS, Masters in AI (SMU) and is currently pursuing a part-time PhD in AI Governance at SMU.
Business Analytics & Data Science
A/Prof Danny Poo

A/Prof Danny Poo
A/Prof Danny Poo brings with him 35 years of Software Engineering and Information Technology and Management experience. A graduate from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), England, Dr Poo is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore. Prior to joining the University, Dr Poo was with the System Operations at DBSBank, Singapore. A Steering Committee member of the Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Dr Poo is actively involved in Information Management and Healthcare Analytics research. A well-known speaker in seminars, Dr Poo has conducted numerous in-house training and consultancy for organizations, both locally and regionally. Dr Poo is the author of five books on Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Java Programming language and Enterprise JavaBeans.Dr Poo notable teaching credentials include:
- Data Strategy
- Data StoryTelling
- Data Visualisation
- Data Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Data Management
- Data Governance
- Data Architecture
- Capstone Projects for Business Analytics
- Software Engineering
- Server-side Systems Design and Development
- Information Technology Project Management
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Analytics
- Health Informatics Leadership.
- Deutsche Bank
- Gemplus
- Micron
- Rhode-Schwarz
- Standard Chartered Bank
- ST Electronic
- Monetary Authority of Singapore
- Infocomm Development Authority
- National Library Board
- Ministry of Manpower
- Nanyang Technological University
- Nanyang Polytechnic
- National University Hospital.
Dr Ai Xin

Dr Ai Xin
Dr Ai Xin is currently a Lecturer with the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She has many years’ experience teaching Artificial Intelligence and Data Science courses such as machine learning, deep learning and data mining. She graduated from NUS with a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Her research focused on Game Theoretical Modelling, Optimization Methods, Algorithm Design and Wireless Networks. She worked at BHP Billiton Marketing Asia for eight years, gaining extensive industry experience in various functions such as risk management, supply chain management, and sales and marketing planning.
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi

Dr Amirhassan Monajemi
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi is a Senior Lecturer in AI and Machine Learning with the School of Computing (SoC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Prior to SoC, he was a Senior Lecturer in NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE) teaching AI and Data Science to adult learners. Before joining NUS, he was with the Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan, Iran, where he was serving as a professor of AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science. He was born in Isfahan, Iran. He studied towards BSc and MSc in Computer Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), and Shiraz University respectively. He got his PhD in computer engineering, pattern recognition and image processing, from the University of Bristol, Bristol, England, in 2005. His research interests include AI, Machine Learning, Machine Vision, IoT, Data Science, and their applications. He has taught the artificial intelligence courses, including AI, Advanced AI, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems, Neural Networks, and Cognitive Science since 2005 at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He was awarded the best university teacher of the province in 2012. He also has studied Learning Management Systems, E-Learning, and E-Learning for workplaces since 2007. Dr Monajemi has registered a few patents in the fields of AI, Machine Vision, and Signal Processing applications, including an AI and machine vision-based driver drowsiness detection system and a low power consuming spherical robot. He also has published more than a hundred research papers in peer-reviewed, indexed journals and international conferences (IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, and so on), and supervised several Data Science, IoT, and AI industrial projects in various scales, including Isfahan intelligent traffic system delivery and testing, and red light runners detection. He is experienced in different sub-domains of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, from theory to practice, including Deep Learning, Logic, and Optimisation.
Mr Shashank Shekhar Tripathi

Mr Shashank Shekhar Tripathi
Mr Shashank Shekhar Tripathi is an Instructor at the Department of Information Systems and Analytics (DISA) at the School of computing, National University of Singapore. He teaches “Application development for business analytics” and “Systematic trading” to the undergraduate students. He holds the designation Chartered Market Technician (CMT)and Certified Financial Technician(CFTe) . Prior to this, Shashank worked as a Senior Software Engineer at the NUS Fintech Lab where he worked on developing applications related to financial technology. He has a vast experience in oil and gas industry in the domain of corporate finance, financial evaluations, and simulations. He has a huge interest in financial markets, blockchain technology and data analytics. He researches extensively to design, develop and test strategies for algo trading utilizing machine learning, fundamental analysis, and technical analysis. He is an experienced trainer and consultant of data visualization, robotic process automation, and algo trading.
Ms Samantha Sow

Ms Samantha Sow
Ms. Samantha Sow is currently a Senior Lecturer in the department of Information Systems and Analytics at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She has over 8+ years of experience in Business Analytics and Data Science and she conducts training for both government agencies and corporate clients. Before joining NUS, she lectures at Temasek Polytechnic, teaching Business Analytics and Data Science to professionals, managers and executives (PMEs). Prior to being an academia, Samantha worked in the research and development at Infineon Technologies. Her research and project areas include Business Analytics, Data Mining, Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics. She has a passion for engaging and inspiring participants to enhance their workplace analytics capabilities and increase business intelligence quotient within their organisations. Her interests lie in the applications of data analytics, predictive modelling and optimization techniques to derive actionable insights for commercial effectiveness. She is familiar with typical analytics tools such as Python, R, and SAS, SPSS and Tableau. She also has working knowledge in the area of Analytics, Data Science and Machine Learning. Samantha completed her Master of Education from University of Sheffield and graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor’s in Engineering, First Class Honours. She has also completed THEC (Teaching in Higher Education) and ACTA (Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment). She is a member of the adult associate educator (AEN) by Institute for Adult Learning (IAL), Singapore. Her certifications include: Microsoft Certified Azure Data Scientist Associate. Microsoft Certified Data Analyst Associate. SAS Certified Predictive Modeller in SAS Enterprise Miner. Tableau Certified Desktop Specialist.Executive Education Fellows
Mr Jim Lim Shien Min

Mr Jim Lim Shien Min
Mr Jim Lim Shien Min is the founder of 59stVentures, an organisation focusing on leveraging expertise, experiences and connections of senior technology executives to create a positive social impact for society. He is currently the APAC Head of Health Ecosystem with the Zuhlke Group where he is helping the company expand its offerings to healthcare ecosystem players regionally. Prior to this, Jim was leading NCS Healthcare’s business and was involved in a few Covid-related initiatives including Community Care Facilities and public health systems. Before Covid, Jim was the founding CEO for Good Doctor Technology, a joint venture between PingAn Good Doctor from China and Grab. He joined the company as its first employee to set up its businesses in Indonesia and Singapore. Jim is currently an adjunct lecturer at the National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), Huawei University and the FinTech Academy. He also sits on the board of startup companies in China, Taiwan, Singapore and India. Before his tenure at Good Doctor, Jim served as the Global Senior Director within the Group Chief Transformation Office at Huawei Technologies. In this role, he acted as the Regional Chief Technology Officer for strategic digital transformation projects across the APAC region. His focus encompassed various industries, including Telecommunications and Smart Nation/City initiatives, as well as domains such as Cloud Computing and Big Data. Additionally, Jim contributed to aspects such as Business Modelling and Design Thinking. Prior to joining Huawei, Jim was the CBE (Client Business Executive) at Amdocs where he held full P&L responsibilities spanning sales, delivery and operations. He was with Amdocs for nine years and was previously the Senior Director, Business Strategy and Sales Engineering in APAC, who set up the regional delivery team and was responsible for all accounts presales and strategic business development activities within Amdocs APAC. Jim was Techmahindra Presales and Delivery Group Head for APAC who set up its regional delivery centers and presales teams. Jim also established partnerships with other vendors such as Huawei and Oracle while serving as Country Manager for Greater China. Prior to this role, Jim was a project and JV manager and a senior consultant at Accenture, with solid experiences in large-scale business transformation programmes in SingTel, Telekom Malaysia and Starhub. With over 24 years of consulting, advisory and ICT industry experiences in business, customer and project management, Jim brings his wealth of experience providing strategic, business and technological advice to global clients. Jim holds an MBA (Distinction) from Manchester Business School and a B. Eng (Hons) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Nanyang Technological University. He is also a certified Project Management Professional and a seasoned company spokesman for media and analysts. He is currently the Vice President for Cloud Security Alliance Singapore Chapter, a global mentor for PingAn Technology Innovation Center, an industry mentor for ICT with Young NTUC, a Senior Fellow appointed by SUSS and an Executive Education Fellow at NUS.
Mr Tan Tzann Chang

Mr Tan Tzann Chang
Mr Tan Tzann Chang has over 35 years of leadership and professional experience, spanning the technology, public service and higher education sectors with local, government and multi-national organisations. He was the former Deputy Director of NUS IT Department heading the CITO Office. He has served in varied roles, from general management, sales and customer acquisition, business development, and operations delivery oversight, to facilitating, lecturing and advisory. He managed a client portfolio delivering over $10m of annual revenue while achieving high client satisfaction ratings regularly. Tzann Chang is also an experienced facilitator of over 15 years and constantly innovates in delivering great learning experiences in areas of business, technology and digital product strategy and management as well as IT finance, sourcing and project management. He has conducted over 200 in-person and online courses with over 4,500 local and overseas participants achieving course rating 4.0/5.0. His past advisory engagements included business and technology governance and management, strategic sourcing, service delivery management, business start-up and e-government development. He can be reached at LinkedIn.
Ms Claudia Marcusson

Ms Claudia Marcusson
Ms Claudia Marcusson is a sustainability and climate-tech expert with a stellar career in Financial Services, education, entrepreneurship & innovation. She has over 22 years of financial industry expertise in investment management, insurance, banking and FinTech having worked in the U.S., U.K., Germany, The Netherlands and Singapore. She worked in various leadership roles at Standard Chartered Bank, ING, NN Group, BNP Paribas, ABN AMRO, and State Street Bank to name a few. Since 2018, Claudia is an Executive Education Fellow at the National University of Singapore focusing on FinTech, digitalisation, agile working and corporate innovation & entrepreneurship as well as Green IT & Sustainability. She gives training and Masterclasses to corporates and C-suite executives and is a guest lecturer at Singapore Management University, Emeritus, SP Jain School of Global Management and Singapore Academy of Law. Claudia has been living in Singapore for 8 years where she was Chief Risk Officer APAC for ING Investment Management. Later, she joined Standard Chartered Bank building out the corporate venture arm and running entrepreneurship & innovation programs for the bank, partners and regulators. As Global Head of Client Experience Center she led numerous client co-creation programs with a focus on digital transformation and sustainability for corporate clients worldwide. Claudia has been CEO of Germany’s first asset-tokenization platform offering fractional yield-ownership for renewable energy assets before she set up her own advisory business in 2023. She enjoys working closely with corporations and founders as a Non-Executive Director, board advisor and mentor focused on decarbonizing existing business models and transforming products into sustainable and financially attractive value propositions. She is an investment advisor to impact VC funds in Europe and Singapore and a mentor & strategic advisor to several Accelerators in Singapore, Germany, Korea and India. She is a certified SCRUM Master and a licensed instructor and expert in Human-Centred Design & Design Thinking, Lean Start-up and agile methods. Claudia holds an LL.M. degree in Chinese Business Law as well as an M.Sc. in Economics and Quantitative Research.Cloud Computing & Internet of Things
A/Prof Colin Tan Keng Yan

A/Prof Colin Tan Keng Yan
A/Prof Colin Tan Keng Yan is a senior lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, NUS School of Computing. He specializes in embedded systems and operating systems related courses. Colin has taught courses on real-time system design, operating systems, programming methodology, and had taught a course on software product development for digital markets. In this course students are given a semester to build three production quality software systems, with the first two being on Facebook and on HTML5, and in the third project students are given free rein on the technologies that they would like to use. The third project is particularly beneficial to students, as they get real first-hand experience in building a software product, from conceptualizing, validating their concept with users, to User Interface (UI) design, UI validation with users, building the system, and finally to marketing their systems to recruit thousands of users before their project submission deadline. Projects completed in this module have spawned startups like Pearcomms, HunQRy and PaperBaton, while alumni in this course have gone on to careers in tech giants like Facebook, Google and Microsoft. Colin, together with two other CS colleagues and three ECE colleagues, is currently teaching a course that gives first-year Computer Engineering students first-hand experience in building non-trivial computer systems like tele-operated robots. Students learn key issues of high-efficiency hardware programming, dealing with electro-mechanical issues like variations in motor and gearbox quality, secure network communications, and real-time mapping of the environment using algorithms like SLAM. They also pick up key skills like performing independent research, and learning how to improvise to solve problems with limited resources. Colin also runs courses in drone design, construction and programming. Colin has written a lightweight operating system for the Arduino called ArdOS that fits into less than a kilobyte of memory, available at https://bitbucket.org/ctank/ardos-ide/wiki/Home. He has also written several other libraries for the Arduino including smartTimer, a library for writing timer-based embedded systems, which also includes a software-based real-time clock for the Arduino, and smartSerial, a bare-metal bare-bones serial communications library for the Arduino. His Bitbucket repository is available at https://www.bitbucket.org/ctank. Colin is Lab Coordinator for Makers@SoC, a maker space that was recently set up to give students a chance to immerse themselves in maker culture, which is a blend of DIY and technology. Makers@SoC addresses two key concerns of the industry: that we are producing technology professionals who can only code and cannot build anything physical – a key concern in fields like IoT – and that CS majors may not have a good appreciation of the hardware on which they build their systems. Makers@SoC runs courses in 3D modeling, basic electronics, microcontroller interfacing and programming, circuit design and fabrication, and through-hole and surface-mount soldering. Colin is Chairperson for the IT Software Solutions for Business trade for Worldskills Singapore 2016 and Worldskills Singapore 2018, and has been a long-time General Secretary for the National Olympiad for Informatics (NOI) competition. Outside of academia Colin reads widely into Catholic theology, is a sponsor and a speaker at the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Programme, and is a council member and a formation instructor at the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCDS) in the Roman Catholic Church of Singapore. He is also an avid foodie, a cigar collector, an enthusiast of retro technology, and a somewhat decent and fairly eclectic cook.
A/Prof Tan Wee Kek

A/Prof Tan Wee Kek
A/Prof Tan Wee Kek is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Systems and Analytics at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. He is also currently serving as an Assistant Dean (Student Life) in the School of Computing, and a Fellow and EXCO member of the NUS Teaching Academy. He graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems in July 2013 and a Bachelor of Computing in Information Systems (1st Class Honours) in July 2007, both from the National University of Singapore. Prior to this, he attended Singapore Polytechnic and graduated with a Diploma in Computer Information Systems with Merit in July 2001. His current primary research interests focus on consumer-based information technology (e.g., online decision aids, social computing, virtual worlds and consumer cloud services). Most of his research is based on design science, a well-established problem-solving paradigm that has been widely adopted in information systems research. His current secondary research interests focus on information systems education. His work has been published or is forthcoming in journals such as Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), and Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE). His work has also been presented or is forthcoming in conferences such as ACM SIGMIS Computer Personnel Research Conference (SIGMIS-CPR), IFIP Working Group 8.2 Working Conference (IFIP WG8.2), European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), and International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (ICHCI). He has won the faculty level Research Achievement Award in 2013 and was a nominee for the ACM SIGMIS 2009 Magid Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper of the Year. His current teaching interests include imparting senior undergraduate students with knowledge and skills to develop enterprise information systems as well as teaching them principles of information security management, and concepts of mobile and ubiquitous commerce. He has won the University level Annual Teaching Excellence Award for AY 2009 to 2012. In addition to this, he has also won the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award for AY 2008 to 2011 as well as the Faculty Best Teaching Assistant Award for AY 2007/2008. For his sustained commitment to teaching excellence, he has been placed on the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award Honour Roll for AY 2010/2011 and University level Annual Teaching Excellence Award Honour Roll for AY 2012/2013. He is presently the lead faculty mentor of the NUS BiZiT Society, a student special interest group on business and information technology.
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi

Dr Amirhassan Monajemi
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi is a Senior Lecturer in AI and Machine Learning with the School of Computing (SoC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Prior to SoC, he was a Senior Lecturer in NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE) teaching AI and Data Science to adult learners. Before joining NUS, he was with the Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan, Iran, where he was serving as a professor of AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science. He was born in Isfahan, Iran. He studied towards BSc and MSc in Computer Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), and Shiraz University respectively. He got his PhD in computer engineering, pattern recognition and image processing, from the University of Bristol, Bristol, England, in 2005. His research interests include AI, Machine Learning, Machine Vision, IoT, Data Science, and their applications. He has taught the artificial intelligence courses, including AI, Advanced AI, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems, Neural Networks, and Cognitive Science since 2005 at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He was awarded the best university teacher of the province in 2012. He also has studied Learning Management Systems, E-Learning, and E-Learning for workplaces since 2007. Dr Monajemi has registered a few patents in the fields of AI, Machine Vision, and Signal Processing applications, including an AI and machine vision-based driver drowsiness detection system and a low power consuming spherical robot. He also has published more than a hundred research papers in peer-reviewed, indexed journals and international conferences (IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, and so on), and supervised several Data Science, IoT, and AI industrial projects in various scales, including Isfahan intelligent traffic system delivery and testing, and red light runners detection. He is experienced in different sub-domains of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, from theory to practice, including Deep Learning, Logic, and Optimisation.
Dr Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer

Dr Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer
Dr Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer is a Lecturer in in the Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore. Prior to this, he worked as a lead DevOps engineer at Salesforce.com. He had also served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore. He has received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering (University first rank) from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India in 2004 and Masters and PhD degrees from National University of Singapore in 2008 and 2012 respectively. He brings in a decade of industry experience in various companies including Sasken Communication Technologies, NXP semiconductors and Progress software. He has handled several roles in the software industry including QA Architect, Technical Support Manager, Engineering development and Technology Evangelist. He has strong inclination towards Game Theory. He applies game theory for handling conflicts, enforcing cooperation and for multi-agent systems. His technical knowledge and experience are in various areas including Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing Paradigms (including cloud platforms, containers and Kubernetes), Computer Networks, Software Engineering practices (Agile) and Quality Analysis, Economic models (Game Theoretic principles) and current day practices on cloud-based enterprise architectures, Machine Learning and technology for traditional Indian dance (such as Kathakali) popularization. His mathematical interests include game theory, graph theory, optimization principles etc. Over the past several years he has acquired practical knowledge and experience in various cutting-edge software engineering methodologies including Agile framework and has experience formulating and implementing various software engineering principles using Agile for large and small product development teams. Dr Iyer is active in doing practical industry-oriented research on the above topics of his interest. He also aspires to do research on technological innovations to popularize traditional classical arts such as Kathakali and Koodiyattam. He has published two book chapters in the “Encyclopaedia for Cloud Computing” in 2016 in addition to several book chapters, journals and conference publications. Dr. Iyer has delivered several practical workshops and talks on various cutting-edge technology topics in many academic and industry events in several countries including USA, Europe, Australia and Asia. Many of these were on the contributions made by him in his industry engagement for software quality analysis with current day software engineering principles such as Agile for application development involving cloud platforms, mobile platforms and IoT based systems. Dr Iyer is an IEEE Senior Member. He has been a reviewer of many internationals Journals including IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems and several international conferences. He was also the program chair for several international conferences including ICCCI and ICIWE. Dr Iyer has strong teaching skills and boundless passion for teaching. He was a visiting faculty at IIIT-H (International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad), and has been teaching various subjects including “Game Theory for Computer Science”, “Computer Networks”, “Advanced Computer Networks” and “Scripting and Computer environments” for which, he has framed the syllabus, developed the materials and references, structured the grading scheme and formulated continuous assessment strategies. Further, he was a member of Board of Studies at JNTU-H (a premium university in India) where he participates in framing the syllabus for the university’s upcoming academic year. He is also an expert in performing Kathakali, a traditional Indian dance. He has composed a story in Kathakali and he spends a considerable amount of his personal time to uplift this traditional art by organizing Kathakali performances, workshops and demonstrations and performance by himself. He has also composed a Kathakali story “Sri Mookambika Mahathmyam” which has been staged in multiple venues in India.
Dr Rajesh Chandrasekhara Panicker

Dr Rajesh Chandrasekhara Panicker
Dr. Rajesh Chandrasekhara Panicker joined ECE Dept as a Lecturer on 1 July 2013. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from University of Kerala, India in 2005 and Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National University of Singapore in 2012. He was a Research Fellow at the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) from Dec 2012-June 2013 and a Teaching Assistant in ECE Dept, NUS from Feb 2010-Dec 2012. He enjoys teaching courses related to digital and embedded systems, and his research interests are in biomedical circuits and systems, embedded systems, signal processing and pattern recognition. He is a member of the IEEE, and a reviewer for several leading international journals and conferences.
Senior Executive Education Fellow
Dr Michael Gorriz

Dr Michael Gorriz
Dr Michael Gorriz is an industry acclaimed technology leader who believes that a Digital Transformation must be based on a solid foundation which embraces a capable workforce, a clear structure and a sustainable architecture. This requires the full dedication of the entire organisation and is a multi-year endeavour. Done successfully you can appreciate a seamless end-to-end customer service with low cost-to-serve. Starting his career as a physicist in the aerospace industry Michael discovered his passion for information technology when he joined the IT department of the car manufacturer DaimlerChrysler in 2000. One of his first duties was the post-merger integration of the finance and procurement systems of the German-American manufacturer. Later he became the CIO of the Mercedes-Benz Car Group and assumed the role of Daimler’s Global Chief Information Officer in 2008. Under his watch the free-floating car-sharing system Car2Go (ShareNow) and the connected car solution Mercedes me connect was created. In 2015 he moved to Singapore and became the Global Chief Information Officer of Standard Chartered Bank. Michael was responsible for the systems development and technology infrastructure and the definition and implementation of the Bank’s digital and innovation agenda. With technology at the heart of the Bank’s growth strategy, Michael’s capabilities, and experience to drive innovation and change in technology was the key of becoming a digital Bank with a human touch. He has won numerous awards – including the Global CIO award of the Indian NASSCOM – and is one of the 40 most important people in IT in the last 40 years in Germany. He is a passionate leader who loves to engage with ambitious engineers to help them to develop their full potential. Dr Gorriz is a physicist and engineer by background and obtained a PhD in Laser Engineering. He is based in Singapore, holds various Board seats and consults companies on their growth path.Executive Education Fellows
Mr Chris Liu

Mr Chris Liu
Mr Chris Liu is a cloud computing and cyber security expert. With the passion of cloud computing and security, he has helped many enterprises in the region to build up a more secure and robust IT infrastructure. Currently he is working at a world leading cloud security company as APJ Director of Transformation Architecture. He is CCIE Emeritus, holding CISSP, Azure Solution Architect Experts and other renowned certifications in the industry. Chris graduated from Telecom ParisTech and Tongji University with double master’s degrees in Computer Science and Telecommunications Engineering. In his free time, Chris loves playing tennis and spending time with his family.
Mr Tan Keok Tay

Mr Tan Keok Tay
Mr Tan Keok Tay is an Associate Director with NUS Information Technology. He is currently leading a digital enablement team to run Digital Enablement Programme in conjunction with the University’s drive to raise the digital dexterity of the staff in NUS. The programme includes tools such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Data Visualization, Forms & Flows, Survey, and products from Microsoft 365. He conducts workshops and clinic sessions to enable staff to be more effective and productive with the use of the digital tools. Keok Tay is an alumnus of NUS, having graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer and Information Science, and a Master of Science in Management of Technology.Instructor
Mr Qiu Kai

Mr Qiu Kai
Mr Qiu Kai is the Chief Technology Officer of ANEXT Bank. He is responsible for designing ANEXT Bank’s IT and digital vision to drive business impact, and has developed a robust technology architecture roadmap that supports the full range of digital SME banking services. As an experienced IT leader, Mr Qiu Kai manages a team to develop, manage and maintain the overall security and technology infrastructure of ANEXT Bank, including cybersecurity and business continuity frameworks and measures. He also provides the right environment and support for the team to deliver innovative solutions within budget and timelines. Prior to joining ANEXT Bank, Mr Qiu Kai has worked in various leading software companies and banks including Commonwealth Bank of Australia, to deliver on core banking system implementations across Asia Pacific. In his most recent role at LaSalle Investment Management Asia (“LaSalle”), Mr Qiu Kai undertook the digital transformation roadmap, overall IT operations, cybersecurity, and business continuity management for Asian countries. He successfully established a technology risk management framework and delivered various digital initiatives for LaSalle. Mr Qiu Kai holds a Bachelor of Computing from the National University of Singapore.Cybersecurity & Data Governance
A/Prof Liang Zhenkai

A/Prof Liang Zhenkai
A/Prof Liang Zhenkai is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at National University of Singapore. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Stony Brook University in 2006, and B.S. degrees in Computer Science and Economics from Peking University in 1999.
His research area is in system and software security, and security in emerging platforms, such as Web, mobile, and Internet-of-things (IoT). He has been publishing high-impact papers in top security and software engineering conferences, and has won several best paper awards, namely, the Outstanding Paper Award at the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) in 2003, the Best Paper Award at the USENIX Security Symposium in 2007, the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper at the ESEC and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC-FSE) in 2009, and the Best Paper Award at the Web 2.0 Security & Privacy (W2SP) Workshop in 2014. He has been actively served as technical committee members and editorial board members of top security conferences and journals, including ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), USENIX Security Symposium, Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), and IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TSDC).
He has taught various undergraduate-level and graduate-level modules (courses). He has won the Annual Teaching Excellence Award of NUS in 2014 and 2015, and has been publishing his teaching techniques and philosophy.
Dr Anand Mohan Ramchand

Dr Anand Mohan Ramchand
Dr Anand Mohan Ramchand is a Senior Lecturer and Assistant Dean (Corporate Relations) at the School of Computing (SOC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his PhD in Information Systems in 2012 at NUS, and holds an MSc in Information Systems (2004) and BSc (Hons) in Computer Science and Information Systems (2001) from NUS.
Dr Ramchand’s primary teaching and research interests are in the digital transformation of organisations, business model innovation driven by computing and information technologies, and the digital enablement of social change. Since joining the department in 2001, Dr Ramchand has received 10 teaching awards at the Faculty and University levels, and was placed on the NUS Teaching Excellence Honour Roll from 2011 to 2016.
Dr Yang Lu

Dr Yang Lu
Dr Yang Lu is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Information Systems and Analytics at National University of Singapore (NUS). She graduated with Bachelor of Engineering in Information Systems from Renmin University of China and PhD in Information Systems from National University of Singapore. She currently teaches undergraduate courses in Management of Information Systems, Information Security Management, Computing and Society, and Computing Basics.
Mr Loh Yong Chye

Mr Loh Yong Chye
Mr Loh Yong Chye, Adjunct Lecturer, is currently the CEO and Co-founder of ACT:DPI Pte Ltd. He is concurrently an adult educator specializing in PDPA training. He holds an Advanced Certificate in Learning & Performance (ACLP) and is a Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM)1.
Yong Chye was the Chief trainer for the SG United Skills Programme for Data Protection Officer (SGUS-DPO). This programme was a collaboration between ACT:DPI and NTUC LearningHub. Since March 2021, 38 PMETs had undergone 6-month programme to become DPOs. He specialises in DP training and has taught close to 1,000 trainees to date on PDPA.
Yong Chye was the Deputy Director (DP Ecosystem) with the Personal Data Protection Commission from Jan 2013 to Dec 2019. Notable achievements during his 7-year stint in PDPC included:
- Successful rollout of both the “Fundamentals of the PDPA” course and the “Practitioner Certificate for Personal Data Protection (Singapore)” preparatory course and examination module;
- Completion of the DPO competency framework and training roadmap, which was officially launched by the Minister of Communications and Information in Jul 2019;
- Development of multiple DP tools, resources and services to help organisations, especially SMEs and non-profit organisations seeking to comply with the PDPA; and
- Having led the DPO team responsible for the maintenance and enhancement of the DP policies and procedures within the PDPC, as well as, the communications and outreach team to create awareness of, and promote compliance to, the PDPA in the initial years.
Prior to joining the PDPC, Yong Chye did a 4-year overseas stint with the IDA International (a subsidiary of then-IDA) where he provided eGov consulting services to the governments of Bhutan, Trinidad and Tobago and Moldova.
In the earlier years of his career at the then-IDA, he was the divisional head in charge of organisation development and excellence, and an IT manager of a government agency.
1 awarded by Skillsfuture Singapore (SSG) and the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) respectively.
Executive Education Fellows
Dr Guo Charng Rang

Dr Guo Charng Rang
Dr Guo Charng Rang served as the founding Programme Director of the National Cybersecurity R&D Lab (NCL) from 2015 – 2021, and an Associate Professor at the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore from 2017 – 2021. NCL is a national lab funded by the National Research Foundation hosted in NUS School of Computing. The objective is to support the Singapore cybersecurity community in R&D and education. To this end, NCL runs a computing cluster and provides cloud services and other higher level services to the community. In particular, NCL develops simulated enterprise network with vulnerabilities that has a wide range of applications, such as usage by education institutes to conduct cybersecurity lessons. The lab was officially launched in Feb 2017 and has received multiple rounds of funding. It has supported a large number of projects from academia, industries and government agencies and achieved full utilization for a number of years. Almost all the universities and a number of polytechnics in Singapore are involved in the NCL initiatives, conducting lessons, performing research, or collaborating in other projects. Dr Guo oversees the development and operation of NCL, while the other two faculty members in NUS SoC, A/Prof Chang Ee-Chien and A/Prof Liang Zhenkai, oversee the research aspects of the lab. Prior to joining NUS, Dr Guo works in DSO National Laboratories and Defence Science and Technology Agency for more than 20 years, specializing in cybersecurity, in particular, in cryptography and trusted system. Dr Guo has a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics from the National University of Singapore and PhD in Mathematics from the University of Oxford.
Dr Sufatrio

Dr Sufatrio
Dr Sufatrio is an Executive Education Fellow at the NUS Advanced Computing for Executives. He obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from School of Computing (SoC), NUS. He previously spent over 7.5 years as a Lecturer in SoC, NUS, where he taught undergraduate and graduate level cybersecurity courses. Prior to that, he was a Scientist and Acting Lab Head of the Mobile Forensics & Security Lab, at the Cyber Security & Intelligence (CSI) Department, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR. He is passionate about discovering and systematizing cybersecurity knowledge, and has published numerous peer-reviewed cybersecurity papers. He also believes in sharing the knowledge to help others learn, grow, and work together in making cyberspace a safer place.
Mr Ang Leong Boon

Mr Ang Leong Boon
Mr Ang Leong Boon is currently the Deputy Director and Head of IT Security at NUS Information Technology, responsible for security governance, risk management, security operations, incident response and user awareness across the entire University. He has over 15 years of experience in cybersecurity, with a keen interest in security incident handling and response. During his 10 years in NUS, he has led a number of investigations for major cybersecurity incidents, including an APT attack on local universities in 2017. He has also conducted guest lectures in NUS, provided mentorship for startups with the ICE71 Accelerate Programme and spoken at various security conferences. Leong Boon is an alumnus of NUS, having graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering.Instructor
Mr Wong Kar Hong

Mr Wong Kar Hong
Wong Kar Hong has 30 years of experience in Information Technology (IT) with specialized knowledge in Data Protection and Governance, Hospitality Technology and Geographic Information System. He was a National Computer Board (NCB) scholar and started his career with NCB. He has extensive working experience in China where he held various IT positions with Ericsson China, InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) China and Giti Tire China. He is currently the founder and chief consulting officer at Young Technology Consulting Pte Ltd, a company that specializes in data privacy and protection. Kar Hong has a MSc in Bioinformatics, NTU and a MSc in Management of Technology, NUS. He studied computer science, economics, and mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania, USA. He is a Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) and has a Practitioner Certificate in PDPA (Singapore). He was adjunct lecturer at various educational institutions. He taught at NUS Chinese-MBA program, EMBA at Yongsei University in Seoul, IHG GM Academy, SIT and Temasek Polytechnic.
Digital Business & Technopreneurship
Adj Prof Lai Kok Fung

Adj Prof Lai Kok Fung
Adj Prof Lai Kok Fung is a successful entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in mobile advertising, electronic commerce, internet media and start-up investment. He founded and grew BuzzCity into an international powerhouse in mobile advertising, before being successfully acquired in 2016.
Dr Lai is an adjunct professor at the National University of Singapore, lecturing on entrepreneurship, mobile advertising, electronic commerce and internet media. He is a published author and songwriter, combining his keen observations of human nature on the impact of modern-day marketing. In his free time, Dr Lai volunteers at the Dover Park Hospice, where he plays the piano weekly.
Dr Lai graduated with First Class Honours in Electrical Engineering from the National University of Singapore and obtained his Doctorate in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Dr Lai is a published author and songwriter in the Chinese language, with a large and growing community of global readers.
For more information, please refer to jayoninc.com.
Dr Lek Hsiang Hui

Dr Lek Hsiang Hui
Dr Lek Hsiang Hui is a Specialist in Data Analytics, System Analysis and Development. He is an IT techie who is passionate about computer systems and technology. He is involved in a few startups and is constantly looking into innovative IT solutions which can be translated to business ideas, with the recent one in the area of Big Data Analytics. He is also a mobile application developer and has produced more than 10 mobile apps. Dr Lek has been teaching various undergraduate courses and executive courses in National University of Singapore (NUS) since 2006. Some of these modules include programming methodology, enterprise system analysis and development, and data mining. During this period, he has won a number of teaching awards such as NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award (2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18) and NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Honor Roll (2018/19), Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17), and Faculty Teaching Excellence Award Honor Roll (2017/18). Dr Lek received his Doctor of Philosophy (Information Systems) from NUS in 2013. His research area is in Natural Language Processing (Sentiment Analysis). He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree (1st class Honors) in Computer Engineering from NUS. Industry Credentials Shopping Malls (UOL, Marina Square, ION), Healthcare (SingHealth), Government (STB), various SMEs in F&B, Apparels, Cleaning Solutions, Photography, Health Products, Baby Products
Mr Lee Boon Kee

Mr Lee Boon Kee
Mr Lee Boon Kee is a senior lecturer in the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, School of Computing at the National University of Singapore. He obtained his B.Sc. in Information Systems and Computer Science from NUS in 1989. Prior to his teaching career at NUS, Boon Kee has over thirty years of IT consulting experience in expert systems and software development, system integration, and product management while working in ISS, Accenture, Sun Microsystems, HP, EDS, DEC, and NEC. He has been engaged by several companies on their digital transformation journeys to help them move from a project-driven to a product-centric business model in delivering digital products and services. His research interest is digital product management, digital ecosystems and platforms, digital experience platforms, and digital economy.Digital Health/Nursing Informatics
A/Prof Danny Poo

A/Prof Danny Poo
A/Prof Danny Poo brings with him 35 years of Software Engineering and Information Technology and Management experience. A graduate from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), England, Dr Poo is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore. Prior to joining the University, Dr Poo was with the System Operations at DBSBank, Singapore. A Steering Committee member of the Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Dr Poo is actively involved in Information Management and Healthcare Analytics research. A well-known speaker in seminars, Dr Poo has conducted numerous in-house training and consultancy for organizations, both locally and regionally. Dr Poo is the author of five books on Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Java Programming language and Enterprise JavaBeans.Dr Poo notable teaching credentials include:
- Data Strategy
- Data StoryTelling
- Data Visualisation
- Data Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Data Management
- Data Governance
- Data Architecture
- Capstone Projects for Business Analytics
- Software Engineering
- Server-side Systems Design and Development
- Information Technology Project Management
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Analytics
- Health Informatics Leadership.
- Deutsche Bank
- Gemplus
- Micron
- Rhode-Schwarz
- Standard Chartered Bank
- ST Electronic
- Monetary Authority of Singapore
- Infocomm Development Authority
- National Library Board
- Ministry of Manpower
- Nanyang Technological University
- Nanyang Polytechnic
- National University Hospital.
Dr Lek Hsiang Hui

Dr Lek Hsiang Hui
Dr Lek Hsiang Hui is a Specialist in Data Analytics, System Analysis and Development. He is an IT techie who is passionate about computer systems and technology. He is involved in a few startups and is constantly looking into innovative IT solutions which can be translated to business ideas, with the recent one in the area of Big Data Analytics. He is also a mobile application developer and has produced more than 10 mobile apps. Dr Lek has been teaching various undergraduate courses and executive courses in National University of Singapore (NUS) since 2006. Some of these modules include programming methodology, enterprise system analysis and development, and data mining. During this period, he has won a number of teaching awards such as NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award (2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18) and NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Honor Roll (2018/19), Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17), and Faculty Teaching Excellence Award Honor Roll (2017/18). Dr Lek received his Doctor of Philosophy (Information Systems) from NUS in 2013. His research area is in Natural Language Processing (Sentiment Analysis). He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree (1st class Honors) in Computer Engineering from NUS. Industry Credentials Shopping Malls (UOL, Marina Square, ION), Healthcare (SingHealth), Government (STB), various SMEs in F&B, Apparels, Cleaning Solutions, Photography, Health Products, Baby ProductsExecutive Education Fellows
Digital Technology & Innovation Management
A/Prof Oh Lih Bin

A/Prof Oh Lih Bin
A/Prof Oh Lih Bin is an Associate Professor and Deputy Head (Teaching and Degree Programmes) in the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, NUS School of Computing. Between 2008 and 2014, Dr Oh was Assistant/Associate Professor of Information Management at the School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) in Xi’an, China. He also served as the school’s Academic Director of International Affairs and Programs from 2011-2013. He has held visiting appointments at the MIT Sloan School of Management and the Michigan State University Broad College of Business. Prior to pursuing an academic career, Dr Oh worked as a senior officer (infocomm sciences) in the Science and Engineering Research Council of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). He also had adjunct lecturing experience in the off-campus programs of Monash University Gippsland School of Information Technology. He has taught courses in IT and service innovation, information systems leadership, e-commerce, and information ethics at the undergraduate, graduate, and MBA/EMBA levels. Dr Oh obtained his Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Information Systems and B.Sc. (First Class Honors) in Computer and Information Sciences from NUS.
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi

Dr Amirhassan Monajemi
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi is a Senior Lecturer in AI and Machine Learning with the School of Computing (SoC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Prior to SoC, he was a Senior Lecturer in NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE) teaching AI and Data Science to adult learners. Before joining NUS, he was with the Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan, Iran, where he was serving as a professor of AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science. He was born in Isfahan, Iran. He studied towards BSc and MSc in Computer Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), and Shiraz University respectively. He got his PhD in computer engineering, pattern recognition and image processing, from the University of Bristol, Bristol, England, in 2005. His research interests include AI, Machine Learning, Machine Vision, IoT, Data Science, and their applications. He has taught the artificial intelligence courses, including AI, Advanced AI, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems, Neural Networks, and Cognitive Science since 2005 at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He was awarded the best university teacher of the province in 2012. He also has studied Learning Management Systems, E-Learning, and E-Learning for workplaces since 2007. Dr Monajemi has registered a few patents in the fields of AI, Machine Vision, and Signal Processing applications, including an AI and machine vision-based driver drowsiness detection system and a low power consuming spherical robot. He also has published more than a hundred research papers in peer-reviewed, indexed journals and international conferences (IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, and so on), and supervised several Data Science, IoT, and AI industrial projects in various scales, including Isfahan intelligent traffic system delivery and testing, and red light runners detection. He is experienced in different sub-domains of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, from theory to practice, including Deep Learning, Logic, and Optimisation.
Dr Edmund Low

Dr Edmund Low
Dr Edmund Low is currently Senior Lecturer with the NUS College at the National University of Singapore. He has nearly 20 years of academic and professional experience in the use of data-driven tools to answer questions in public health and the environment. His past projects include applying AI techniques and machine learning models for environmental modelling and impact assessment. He currently heads the quantitative reasoning domain at USP, and teaches courses on statistical methods, data science and machine learning. As an educator, Edmund is a multiple recipient of both the USP Teaching Excellence Award, as well as the NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award. Edmund holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering from Yale University.Executive Education Fellows
Mr Robin Teurlings

Mr Robin Teurlings
Mr Robin Teurlings has 20 years of expertise at the intersection of the financial industry and IT in Singapore, The Netherlands, Belgium, the United States and Argentina working with large corporates, SMEs and startups across the globe. Before founding his own company, Robin worked as a management consultant at Accenture and Altran heading large IT projects for MNCs in the insurance and energy sector but also governmental institutions like the Dutch Tax Authority. In 2010 he joined ING Bank where he ran strategic programs across the Benelux. Before moving to Singapore, Robin was responsible for a large EUR 20 m annual budget program to implement system monitoring using data lake solutions and predictive analytics to prevent system-wide outages across 3300 (partially legacy) banking systems. In 2015, Robin started his own company The Startup Buddy which has grown into South East Asia’s largest online Accelerator as a Service. Through this platform, 3500 entrepreneurs learn how to create a sustainable new business from their initial idea and can connect to a network of more than 1500 global investors. Companies like Standard Chartered, AWS and Temasek Polytechnic use the online Accelerator as a Service to scale up their innovation initiatives. In 2022, Robin started to set up the Zero Emissions Fund, South East Asia’s first early-stage VC fund investing in companies that develop products and services that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and through their innovative business models contribute to combating climate change. Robin Teurlings has been an ethical investor for almost 30 years, first in stock listed assets and later on expanded as Angel Investor in IT-related companies. He is currently LP in several VC Funds focusing on blockchain, crypto, metaverse and deep tech companies. Robin has a Master of Science degree in European Public Policy and Public Administration from the University of Twente. He enjoys sharing his knowledge as a lecturer, international speaker and mentor for several startup programs in Asia as well as Entrepreneur in Residence for INSEAD.
Mr Teo Chin Seng

Mr Teo Chin Seng
Mr Teo Chin Seng is an experience Senior Technology Executive with more than 33 years of experience, working in the Asia Pacific (Singapore), China, Middle East and USA (LA). Chin Seng last appointment was the Senior VP of Global IT in DP World. He was leading the digitalization of DP World through the implementation of a Global Digital platform that serves our 78 terminals in 40 countries. He has been in senior management roles for the last 22 years, leading and transforming organizations through technology. He is a thought leader in the use of technology to transform companies towards greater efficiencies and transforming new business models. His experience spans across Healthcare Industry, Manufacturing, FMCG, distribution Logistics, Free Trade Zones, Customs, Regulatory controls and Maritime Logistics. In the age of digitalization of Business, it is about transforming to deliver business value: - Business Digitalization, Business Transformation, and Process Re-engineering - The product, Process and Service innovation, and - Achieving business values, improving operations’ efficiencies and creating greater delights in customers’ processes. Future and Smart City Research and Development. Research and Development of Technology Solutions of Intelligent Cities through different Social-Psychology Profiles, People Behaviors, Person lifecycle and changing needs and social acceptance of solutions. As a successful practitioner, a thought leader and a technology/ business evangelist, Chin Seng have successful lead and delivers the use of new developments in technology and businesses, to present value, relevance and instills a strong sense of confidence for businesses to execute and implement.
Mr Zaid Bin Hamzah

Mr Zaid Bin Hamzah
Zaid Hamzah is an AI and data strategist and practitioner specialising in AI in finance and law, AI and data governance and AI in information security. An AI patent holder, he is currently an Executive Education Fellow at the National University of Singapore (NUS) School of Computing’s Advanced Computing for Executives centre where he runs programmes on AI Innovation Management, Intellectual Property Rights in AI Innovation, and Commercialisation of AI Innovation. He has taught legal AI at the Singapore Management University School of Law. Zaid is deeply involved in AI R&D and innovation. His AI patent relating to risk management in a supply chain context was granted by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore in December 2023. He is currently involved in AI research and innovation in the area of decision intelligence and cybersecurity. Author of 10 books spanning law, technology, intellectual property and AI, Zaid has over 35 years of professional experience. He has previously served as (i) Microsoft's Director for intellectual property and commercial software; (ii) Senior Legal Advisor to Singtel’s joint venture with Warner Bros and Sony Pictures (iii) Chief Regulatory Legal & Compliance Officer at publicly-listed Telekom Malaysia; (iv) Associate, Khattar Wong & Partners (Singapore law firm) and (v) Singapore Government service. Zaid has a law degree from the National University of Singapore and completed his Masters in International Relations at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University on a Fulbright scholarship. Zaid is a member of the Board of Directors, NIE International (which is wholly owned by Nanyang Technological University). Zaid volunteers his professional services to start ups in the area of AI management and intellectual property protection and regularly conducts community programmes on how to get young children ready for a data and AI future.Instructor
Mr Marcus Pang

Mr Marcus Pang
Marcus has more than 20 years of working experience in P/L & People Management, Business Advisory & Consulting, Digital Transformation & Change Management, and Complex Digital Project Management. He has deep industry experience in Manufacturing (Automotive), Oil & Gas, Retail, Logistics and Transportation. Marcus has diversified working experience. He has held senior management positions at MNCs such as Gartner and Atos Consulting China. He has also held senior positions at end-user enterprises such as Chief Advisor (digital transformation), VP Integration & Transformation and CIO. To top it off, Marcus has also run a start-up for eight years. Marcus possesses great passion towards both work and pleasure. He is fun, approachable, confident and a strong mentor. Over the years he has trained and coached many consultants and CxOs respectively. Marcus is now an instructor at ACE, covering courses such as Digital Transformation, Strategy and Innovation. He also conducts in-house seminars on AI, Future of Work and Agile Enterprise, among others and undertakes consulting projects with enterprises. Marcus is native both in Chinese and English.Digital Transformation & Change Leadership
A/Prof Danny Poo

A/Prof Danny Poo
A/Prof Danny Poo brings with him 35 years of Software Engineering and Information Technology and Management experience. A graduate from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), England, Dr Poo is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore. Prior to joining the University, Dr Poo was with the System Operations at DBSBank, Singapore. A Steering Committee member of the Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Dr Poo is actively involved in Information Management and Healthcare Analytics research. A well-known speaker in seminars, Dr Poo has conducted numerous in-house training and consultancy for organizations, both locally and regionally. Dr Poo is the author of five books on Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Java Programming language and Enterprise JavaBeans.Dr Poo notable teaching credentials include:
- Data Strategy
- Data StoryTelling
- Data Visualisation
- Data Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Data Management
- Data Governance
- Data Architecture
- Capstone Projects for Business Analytics
- Software Engineering
- Server-side Systems Design and Development
- Information Technology Project Management
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Analytics
- Health Informatics Leadership.
- Deutsche Bank
- Gemplus
- Micron
- Rhode-Schwarz
- Standard Chartered Bank
- ST Electronic
- Monetary Authority of Singapore
- Infocomm Development Authority
- National Library Board
- Ministry of Manpower
- Nanyang Technological University
- Nanyang Polytechnic
- National University Hospital.
A/Prof Tan Chuan Hoo

A/Prof Tan Chuan Hoo
A/Prof Tan Chuan Hoo is Associate Professor (tenured) and Deputy Head (Administration and Research) in the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He is the curriculum chair for the department. Prior to joining NUS, he held a tenured faculty position in Hong Kong. Chuan Hoo conducts research in the area of the digital economy, digitalization and future of work with a range of organisations and institutions. His work has appeared in premium journals such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of AIS, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology, Long Range Planning among many others. He has authored over 100 peer-reviewed papers (http://goo.gl/gZcd47). He serves or has served on the editorial boards of leading journals including MIS Quarterly (Associate Editor), Journal of AIS (editorial board member), IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (editorial board members), among others. Chuan Hoo is the recipient of the INFORMS ISS Design Science Award (2013), MIS Quarterly outstanding associate editor award (2016), Journal of AIS best reviewer award (2016), and NUS School of Computing faculty teaching excellence award (2017).
Dr Lek Hsiang Hui

Dr Lek Hsiang Hui
Dr Lek Hsiang Hui is a Specialist in Data Analytics, System Analysis and Development. He is an IT techie who is passionate about computer systems and technology. He is involved in a few startups and is constantly looking into innovative IT solutions which can be translated to business ideas, with the recent one in the area of Big Data Analytics. He is also a mobile application developer and has produced more than 10 mobile apps. Dr Lek has been teaching various undergraduate courses and executive courses in National University of Singapore (NUS) since 2006. Some of these modules include programming methodology, enterprise system analysis and development, and data mining. During this period, he has won a number of teaching awards such as NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award (2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18) and NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Honor Roll (2018/19), Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17), and Faculty Teaching Excellence Award Honor Roll (2017/18). Dr Lek received his Doctor of Philosophy (Information Systems) from NUS in 2013. His research area is in Natural Language Processing (Sentiment Analysis). He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree (1st class Honors) in Computer Engineering from NUS. Industry Credentials Shopping Malls (UOL, Marina Square, ION), Healthcare (SingHealth), Government (STB), various SMEs in F&B, Apparels, Cleaning Solutions, Photography, Health Products, Baby Products
Mr Sarat Mohanty

Mr Sarat Mohanty
Sarat Mohanty is a senior global digital business leader, lived and worked out of Australia, Singapore, UK, Germany, Dubai, Tokyo, Hong Kong & India assuming Global & regional responsibility in Asia Pacific, Europe, Africa & Middle East. Sarat’s core competency includes digital transformation in financial Institutions, payments, receivables, supply chain finance, supply chain management & sustainable supply chain financing. Sarat is the Deputy General Manager at Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporate (SMBC) in Singapore responsible for driving digital transformation for the commercial & FI clients. Sarat is also an Executive Fellow at ACE, NUS School of Computing focusing on Digital leadership development programmes for C suite executives. Sarat had produced AI in Finance online course along with 2UGetSmarter for ACE, NUS-SoC (https://www.getsmarter.com/products/national-university-of-singapore-ai-in-finance-delivering-business-value-online-short-course). Sarat is a part-time lecturer at NUS School of Computing teaching digital transformation in financial institutions to master’s in digital finance technology students. Sarat was the global head of international trade & supply chain finance customer implementation for Standard Chartered Bank. Sarat had held MD & regional head roles in Greater China & North Asia, ASEAN, Africa & Middle East with Standard Chartered Bank. Sarat was Global head of supply chain business process & system at adidas in Germany, regional head of IT for Black & Decker in England, regional head of IT for Levi’s in Australia, Japan, Philippines, Singapore & head of IT in Levi’s India. Sarat holds Digital Transformation Specialization from MIT-USA, MBA degree in Strategic Management (UK), Postgraduate in IT (Bangalore, India), and bachelor’s degree in finance (India). Sarat is a certified Six Sigma supply chain process expert & certified Project Management Professional. Sarat also specializes in Green Ledger Accounting methodology for green financing. Sarat is an active keynote speaker in reputed industry events, forums, specializing in Digital Disruption, & Blockchain. Sarat is recipient of various industry (BFSI) awards & accolades. Sarat is passionate about Odissi dance, one of the famous Indian classical dances, he actively promotes Odissi dance in Singapore & in Asia Pacific region. Sarat is an active field hockey sports lover.Senior Executive Education Fellow
Mr Choi Jungkiu

Mr Choi Jungkiu
Mr Choi Jungkiu is the Manager Director and Partner of the Boston Consulting Group. He is a member of the Financial Institutions practice at BCG specialising in strategy, transformation, business development/M&A/PMI, sales force productivity, and operations improvements. He leads marketing for the firm in Southeast Asia. Recently, Jungkiu has been focusing on digital banking/challenger bank build, coalition loyalty, bank tech/digital transformation, corporate governance/conglomerate strategy, and executive coaching/development. He has built a number of digital banking channels and digital challenger banks as well as coalition loyalty programs in Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, and Southeast Asia; and has led numerous bank tech/digital transformations, and built conglomerate digital ecosystems across Greater China and Southeast Asia. Prior to joining BCG, Jungkiu worked as Director of Corporate Strategy and Management Development at NURI Management; Head of Financial Institutions Practice Asia Pacific at Kearney; and Group Head of Strategy/Business Development/Reengineering at Standard Chartered Bank. Jungkiu has a Bachelor of Arts in International Economics from Seoul National University and MBA in Finance from University of California, Berkeley, Walter A. Haas School of Business.Executive Education Fellows
Dr Dennis Khoo

Dr Dennis Khoo
Dr Dennis Khoo is an accomplished digital business leader, author and speaker in innovation and leadership. Armed with dual experience in Information Technology and Banking, he has a unique advantage in developing and executing strategies for the transformation of businesses in a digital world. Dennis is author of the bestselling book Driving Digital Transformation in which he describes his experience leading complex digital transformations and the playbook he created (“TaP”) to significantly raise the probability of success of complex digital transformations. Dennis was a senior banker who had previously run billion dollar businesses as head of consumer banking for Standard Chartered Bank and UOB in Singapore. He was responsible for many of the innovations in the consumer banking industry in Singapore, such as e$aver, XtraSaver (Winner of Asian Banker Best Deposit Linked account in 2007), Retail Bonds, Step-up time deposit, Pay-Any-Card (Winner of Asian Banker Best Payment Product in 2011), 15% Dining Cashback everywhere, 2-day Mortgage Service Guarantee, UOB Income Builder, One Account and UOB Mighty App. Dennis has hands-on experience in every product area in consumer banking and was previously CEO-Designate in one of the consortiums bidding for the digital bank wholesale license in Singapore. A digital bank pioneer in ASEAN, Dennis was global head of TMRW Digital Group (UOB’s Millennial digital bank), where he was responsible for the strategy, growth and delivery of the TMRW Digital Bank. The first TMRW Digital Bank went live in Thailand in 2019, and the second in Indonesia in 2020. TMRW won Global Finance Most Innovative Digital Bank in Asia Pacific in 2019. Dennis also led the joint venture initiatives into FinTech like Avatec.ai and VUI Pte Ltd as part of the ecosystem to support the growth of TMRW. Dennis is a WABC (Worldwide Association of Business Coaches) Registered Corporate Coach, a certified Gallup Strengths coach, and accredited in Harrison Assessment Employee Development. Dennis has mentored and coached many successful executives in his long career. Dennis received his Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) and MBA from the National University of Singapore. He also has a Master in Business Research and PhD from the University of Western Australia. He has attended the Digital Business Leaders Program (DBLP) in Columbia University, New York.
Dr Guo Lei

Dr Guo Lei
Dr Guo Lei is an active educator and researcher in data science, behavioural study and design thinking, with extensive experience in delivering practice-based learning programmes and applied research projects with successful results. Starting her career in Singapore as a marketing practitioner, Dr Guo worked across manufacturing, entertainment and education industries. She was the Chief Representative in China for a Singapore listed company. She was also responsible for setting up Shanghai Office and promoting executive education programmes for NUS Business School in Greater China market. With the aspiration of bridging the gap between research and practice, Dr Guo pursued her PhD in the UK, where she worked on large-scale research projects with Cambridge University Service Alliance, BAE Systems and China Mobile. Dr Guo returned to Singapore and joined NUS as a faculty member in 2011. She has particular experience in tackling complex challenges through applied research and education. She was the Principal Investigator for a series of research projects to inform better public transport policy decisions. She consults corporate clients on data analytics, user experience design and service innovation. Dr Guo teaches executive programmes of Data Analytics and Design Thinking at NUS. She has a passion for engaging and inspiring working professionals at all levels by applying the theory to real world business applications. Dr Guo holds a PhD in Marketing from University of Exeter, an MBA from University of Adelaide University and a BA in Literature from Beijing Normal University.
Dr Yong Hsin Ning

Dr Yong Hsin Ning
Dr Yong Hsin Ning is an adventurer. In her 25 years of career, she has experienced the joy (and woes) of being a tax accountant, a management consultant, adult student, an entrepreneur and an educator. She is currently the co-founder of Change Voyage Consulting, a consulting firm dedicated to help companies manage organisational change through change capability building. She has recently started a second venture, The Biz Lab, which is a consulting firm focused on preparing early-stage startups to grow and scale sustainably. Hsin Ning is also an Adjunct faculty at the Lee Kong Chian School of Business in the Singapore Management University (SMU). She teaches a variety of business courses to undergraduate students, entrepreneurs and matured SME business owners seeking their next S curve. Hsin Ning has been recognised for her passion in teaching through multiple awards including the SMU School of Business Top Adjunct Faculty Award (2018-2021). She has recently been nominated for the SMU-X Excellent Teacher Award (2021). Hsin Ning graduated from Nanyang Technological University with a Bachelor of Accountancy. She subsequently pursued her interest in the field of Organisational Behaviour at the University of New South Wales, where she obtained a Masters in Commerce specialising in Organisation and Management Studies. She continued her lifelong learning journey by pursuing a Ph.D. in General Management at SMU where she studied the decision-making anomaly of part-time knowledge workers voluntarily working overtime.
Mr Lim Kuo Siong

Mr Lim Kuo Siong
Mr Lim Kuo Siong is the senior advisor of Singapore Consultancy, co-founder of Tech Talent Assembly (NTUC), board advisor of digital technology boards (insurance, human capital, construction & AI), and partner of an angel investment company.
Kuo Siong served as C-suite leadership positions in area of technology, digitalization, business operations and transformation, managed tech projects portfolio more than US$50 million and business portfolio more than US$10 billion for leading financial institutions, based in Asia and Europe region. Kuo Siong was recognised as a Leading Practitioner (Tech & Innovation) by The Asian Banker, MIS Asia CIO 100, and has completed INSEAD (France) advanced management program and master’s degree from University of Adelaide (Australia). Kuo Siong is a chartered member of British Computer Society.
Mr Ng Tiong Gee

Mr Ng Tiong Gee
Mr Ng Tiong Gee was the Senior Vice President for Technology, of Resorts World Sentosa, which he joined in 2013. He also runs the Engineering and Estate Management divisions of RWS at one point. He was the Chief Information Officer as well as the Chief Human Resource Officer of United Test and Assembly Center Ltd from 2008 to 2013 before he joined Resorts World Sentosa. Prior to that, Tiong Gee was with STATS ChipPAC in 2001 and was its Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Chief Information Officer until 2008. Between 1988 and 1992, he held various key engineering positions at Digital Equipment Singapore, now part of Hewlett-Packard. He then went on to work at Siemens Microelectronics Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (now known as Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific) for over six years where he last served as Director of Information Systems and Services. From 1999 to 2001, he was the Chief Information Officer of Gateway Incorporated, heading the company’s IT activities in Asia Pacific. Tiong Gee is the lead independent director of Pacific Radiance Ltd and is the Chairman of its Nomination Committee and a member of its Remuneration Committee. He was an independent director in GYP Properties from August 2007 to 2022 where he is the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Nominations Committee and Audit Committee. He also sits on the board of Y Ventures as an independent director where is the Chairman of Nominations committee and member of Remuneration and Audit committees. He is currently the Chairman of Yellow Pages Pte Ltd where he is leading the digital transformation of a 50-year-old business. He graduated with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours from the National University of Singapore and holds a Master of Business Administration from the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore. He has also attended the Advanced Management Program in Harvard Business School. He lectures in NUS Advanced Computing for Executives and Strategic Technology Management Institute and is also currently an adjunct CIO of IDC. He is the founding President of Tech Talent Assembly formed together with NTUC to address keeping tech talent relevant and employed. At the same time, he is a director of Ren Ci Hospital and its Chairman of their IT steering committee.
Mr Sarat Mohanty

Mr Sarat Mohanty
Sarat Mohanty is a senior global digital business leader, lived and worked out of Australia, Singapore, UK, Germany, Dubai, Tokyo, Hong Kong & India assuming Global & regional responsibility in Asia Pacific, Europe, Africa & Middle East. Sarat’s core competency includes digital transformation in financial Institutions, payments, receivables, supply chain finance, supply chain management & sustainable supply chain financing. Sarat is the Deputy General Manager at Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporate (SMBC) in Singapore responsible for driving digital transformation for the commercial & FI clients. Sarat is also an Executive Fellow at ACE, NUS School of Computing focusing on Digital leadership development programmes for C suite executives. Sarat had produced AI in Finance online course along with 2UGetSmarter for ACE, NUS-SoC (https://www.getsmarter.com/products/national-university-of-singapore-ai-in-finance-delivering-business-value-online-short-course). Sarat is a part-time lecturer at NUS School of Computing teaching digital transformation in financial institutions to master’s in digital finance technology students. Sarat was the global head of international trade & supply chain finance customer implementation for Standard Chartered Bank. Sarat had held MD & regional head roles in Greater China & North Asia, ASEAN, Africa & Middle East with Standard Chartered Bank. Sarat was Global head of supply chain business process & system at adidas in Germany, regional head of IT for Black & Decker in England, regional head of IT for Levi’s in Australia, Japan, Philippines, Singapore & head of IT in Levi’s India. Sarat holds Digital Transformation Specialization from MIT-USA, MBA degree in Strategic Management (UK), Postgraduate in IT (Bangalore, India), and bachelor’s degree in finance (India). Sarat is a certified Six Sigma supply chain process expert & certified Project Management Professional. Sarat also specializes in Green Ledger Accounting methodology for green financing. Sarat is an active keynote speaker in reputed industry events, forums, specializing in Digital Disruption, & Blockchain. Sarat is recipient of various industry (BFSI) awards & accolades. Sarat is passionate about Odissi dance, one of the famous Indian classical dances, he actively promotes Odissi dance in Singapore & in Asia Pacific region. Sarat is an active field hockey sports lover.
Ms Stacey Huang

Ms Stacey Huang
Ms Stacey Huang is the Co-founder and Director of Change Voyage Consulting, a consulting firm which provides tailored solutions in the areas of organisational and individual change. She specializes in organizational psychology and applies her specialization to support organisations undergoing business and digital transformations. She has 11 years of experience managing large scale change and culture programs in industries such as Defence, FMCG, Healthcare, Insurance and Energy. Stacey is also the Executive Director for PARIMA, a not-for-profit association for risk managers across Asia Pacific focusing on risk, crisis and emergency response. Stacey has a double degree in Bachelor of Psychology and Bachelor of Business Management from the Singapore Management University (SMU). She has attained 3 years consecutive Dean’s list (2005, 2006, 2007) and graduated with Magna Cum Laude. Stacey also has a Msc. Industrial and Organisational Psychology/ Business Psychology from the University College London (UCL), London.Instructors
Chris Long

Chris Long
Chris Long has over 30 years of dynamic technology experience in the Electronics/Manufacturing/ Entertainment/FMCG Industries in IT Strategy and Planning, System Operations and Sustenance, IT Program and Portfolio Management, IT Governance and Shared Services. In his senior leadership capacity in global and regional roles , Chris has managed diverse teams across countries driving Digital Transformation and Alignment with extensive experience in supporting business operations in varies industries from retail stores, warehouses, factories, offices and data centres. Chris has assumed C-level roles such as the Senior Director, Global Network Planning & Senior Director, Global System Strategy at Sony; Senior Manager, Global IT Services at Levi Strauss. Chris has experience in providing training to corporates internal stakeholders and user communities (Global / Regional) over the course of his 30 years of corporate experience in both classroom & virtual settings with trainees size ranging from 60 to 500. A certified ACLP trainer and co-facilitating with Mr Alvin Aw in the NUS Professional Certificate in Digital Transformation – Digital Strategy & Implementation ( Business Digital Strategy and Market Place Digitalisation). Currently, vCIO of a Civil Structure Engineering Consulting Company steering the company’s digital transformation initiatives. Chris has a Bachelor of Science Degree (Honors, Cum Laude) with a minor in Accounting.
Dr Jenson Goh

Dr Jenson Goh
Dr Jenson is sought after by companies around the world for business and IT consultancy particularly for his insights on business excellence, systems thinking, design thinking and organisational learning. He was awarded the prestigious Business Excellence Green Jacket Assessor by Enterprise SG. He is an expert certified in Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Associate Certified Coach by ICF and Professional Coach by SMU, WSQ Advanced Certification in Learning and Performance, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, LEGO® Six Bricks and Playbox facilitator. Dr. Jenson was the former Chief Information & Learning Officer of a public listed company worth $1B operating in Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, and the UK. He led the IT function and was also responsible for designing and implementing group-wide learning strategies and programs to cultivate systems thinking based learning culture in the organisation. Dr. Jenson dedicated more than 2 decades of his career with the National University of Singapore, where he earned his PhD in Information Systems, researching into ways an organisation can strategically renew itself through IT innovation towards social, environmental, and economic sustainability. In his last role in NUS, he was Director of Studies with Residential College 4 where he designed transformative programme to develop students into proficient system thinkers and in the application of innovative teaching methods to drive learning. Prior to that, as the Chief Enterprise Architect/Senior Manager, he led many strategic and mission critical IT initiatives to support the University’s teaching, research, and administration. His work in the University has won more than 20 international and national awards in innovation, quality, case writing and teaching. Dr. Jenson volunteers passionately in numerous organisations, for example he is the President of Asia Pacific Coordinating Policy Council of System Dynamics Society, co-opted executive member of Tech Talent Assembly, Chairman of Singapore My Home SG75 Competition and board member of Casa Raudha Woman Home to name a few. Most of all, he served his country as the Head, Manpower and Logistics (NS) in the Singapore Police Force and held the rank of Superintendent, one of the highest accolades given to National Servicemen, and was responsible for the operational readiness of 1,600 NSmen for more than 10 years. For his dedication, he received multiple awards from the Commissioner of Police and Division Commander including the most prestigious Home Team NS man of the year award in 2018.
Mr Alvin Aw

Mr Alvin Aw
Mr Alvin Aw has accumulated 30 years of progressive and dynamic technology experience in the legal and FMCG/ICT industries. He has led IT transformation and system integration projects for legal and FMCG acquisition & merger exercises, drive IT solutions operations / infrastructure and delivery, business continuity planning, disaster planning and CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) role for all cybersecurity affairs ranging from strategy to security policy /operations.
Mr Marcus Pang

Mr Marcus Pang
Marcus has more than 20 years of working experience in P/L & People Management, Business Advisory & Consulting, Digital Transformation & Change Management, and Complex Digital Project Management. He has deep industry experience in Manufacturing (Automotive), Oil & Gas, Retail, Logistics and Transportation. Marcus has diversified working experience. He has held senior management positions at MNCs such as Gartner and Atos Consulting China. He has also held senior positions at end-user enterprises such as Chief Advisor (digital transformation), VP Integration & Transformation and CIO. To top it off, Marcus has also run a start-up for eight years. Marcus possesses great passion towards both work and pleasure. He is fun, approachable, confident and a strong mentor. Over the years he has trained and coached many consultants and CxOs respectively. Marcus is now an instructor at ACE, covering courses such as Digital Transformation, Strategy and Innovation. He also conducts in-house seminars on AI, Future of Work and Agile Enterprise, among others and undertakes consulting projects with enterprises. Marcus is native both in Chinese and English.
Mr Omid Abbasi

Mr Omid Abbasi
Mr Omid Abbasi is a passionate digital marketer who had helped several companies in eCommerce, online education, B2B and non-profit organization in their digital growth. He has experience in various aspects of digital marketing including Content Marketing, SEO, Landing pages, Social Media marketing and Data Analytics. He is also capable of mentoring and guiding students in learning various aspects of digital marketing and empowering them to take one step forward in their digital marketing journey.
Mr Thian-Hwei Kung

Mr Thian-Hwei Kung
Mr Thian-Hwei Kung is an IT practitioner, experienced in IT applications and infrastructure for Infocomm and high tech manufacturing industries with more than 30 years in manufacturing environment with MNC like Makino, Sanmina-SCI, Infineon Technologies. In Makino and Sanmina-SCI, Thian-Hwei served in regional leading role in the organisations, leading teams in area of technology, digitization, leading the organisation in Industry 4.0 efforts. In this role, he worked with business to deliver IT projects, solutions and digitization across the companies. With many years in diverse manufacturing sectors, Thian Hwei has acquired experiences and knowledge in manufacturing processes and systems. He is able to share practices in the use of technologies in the manufacturing industry sector to support businesses. In the last 12 months, Thian-Hwei is one of the facilitators for the Advanced Manufacturing modules and sharing the concepts and experiences of digitization in manufacturing.
Ms Audrey Ling

Ms Audrey Ling
Ms Audrey Ling is a digital marketing practitioner-cum-mentor. She started her digital marketing journey for 7 years and started mentoring individuals and startups on driving traffic and scaling since 2018. To date, she has taught over 1000+ learners, from technopreneurs, online business owners to digital marketers, on various different aspects of digital marketing. She was previously mentored under 500 Startups’ (Venture Capital Firm) Distro Dojo Growth Marketing Program from Silicon Valley.
Ms Cheryl Tang

Ms Cheryl Tang
Ms Cheryl Tang has over 14 years of change management, organization design and learning and performance management experience. She has managed corporate universities for clients in the region, leading development of curriculum, design and delivery of programmes to support performance. She has also been involved in large Business Transformation projects, involving business process re-engineering and systems related change. She has journeyed with clients to prepare their organizations for change and enable business readiness. Most recently, Cheryl has led two philanthropic foundations as Foundation Director and currently serves on the Board of various non-profit organizations, helping to drive their social impact through strategic planning. She has a Masters in Philosophy from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and has taught Philosophy at NUS and Non-Profit Leadership at the Singapore Management University.Emerging and Disruptive Technologies
A/Prof Tan Wee Kek

A/Prof Tan Wee Kek
A/Prof Tan Wee Kek is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Systems and Analytics at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. He is also currently serving as an Assistant Dean (Student Life) in the School of Computing, and a Fellow and EXCO member of the NUS Teaching Academy. He graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems in July 2013 and a Bachelor of Computing in Information Systems (1st Class Honours) in July 2007, both from the National University of Singapore. Prior to this, he attended Singapore Polytechnic and graduated with a Diploma in Computer Information Systems with Merit in July 2001. His current primary research interests focus on consumer-based information technology (e.g., online decision aids, social computing, virtual worlds and consumer cloud services). Most of his research is based on design science, a well-established problem-solving paradigm that has been widely adopted in information systems research. His current secondary research interests focus on information systems education. His work has been published or is forthcoming in journals such as Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), and Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE). His work has also been presented or is forthcoming in conferences such as ACM SIGMIS Computer Personnel Research Conference (SIGMIS-CPR), IFIP Working Group 8.2 Working Conference (IFIP WG8.2), European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), and International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (ICHCI). He has won the faculty level Research Achievement Award in 2013 and was a nominee for the ACM SIGMIS 2009 Magid Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper of the Year. His current teaching interests include imparting senior undergraduate students with knowledge and skills to develop enterprise information systems as well as teaching them principles of information security management, and concepts of mobile and ubiquitous commerce. He has won the University level Annual Teaching Excellence Award for AY 2009 to 2012. In addition to this, he has also won the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award for AY 2008 to 2011 as well as the Faculty Best Teaching Assistant Award for AY 2007/2008. For his sustained commitment to teaching excellence, he has been placed on the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award Honour Roll for AY 2010/2011 and University level Annual Teaching Excellence Award Honour Roll for AY 2012/2013. He is presently the lead faculty mentor of the NUS BiZiT Society, a student special interest group on business and information technology.
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi

Dr Amirhassan Monajemi
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi is a Senior Lecturer in AI and Machine Learning with the School of Computing (SoC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Prior to SoC, he was a Senior Lecturer in NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE) teaching AI and Data Science to adult learners. Before joining NUS, he was with the Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan, Iran, where he was serving as a professor of AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science. He was born in Isfahan, Iran. He studied towards BSc and MSc in Computer Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), and Shiraz University respectively. He got his PhD in computer engineering, pattern recognition and image processing, from the University of Bristol, Bristol, England, in 2005. His research interests include AI, Machine Learning, Machine Vision, IoT, Data Science, and their applications. He has taught the artificial intelligence courses, including AI, Advanced AI, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems, Neural Networks, and Cognitive Science since 2005 at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He was awarded the best university teacher of the province in 2012. He also has studied Learning Management Systems, E-Learning, and E-Learning for workplaces since 2007. Dr Monajemi has registered a few patents in the fields of AI, Machine Vision, and Signal Processing applications, including an AI and machine vision-based driver drowsiness detection system and a low power consuming spherical robot. He also has published more than a hundred research papers in peer-reviewed, indexed journals and international conferences (IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, and so on), and supervised several Data Science, IoT, and AI industrial projects in various scales, including Isfahan intelligent traffic system delivery and testing, and red light runners detection. He is experienced in different sub-domains of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, from theory to practice, including Deep Learning, Logic, and Optimisation.
Dr Edmund Low

Dr Edmund Low
Dr Edmund Low is currently Senior Lecturer with the NUS College at the National University of Singapore. He has nearly 20 years of academic and professional experience in the use of data-driven tools to answer questions in public health and the environment. His past projects include applying AI techniques and machine learning models for environmental modelling and impact assessment. He currently heads the quantitative reasoning domain at USP, and teaches courses on statistical methods, data science and machine learning. As an educator, Edmund is a multiple recipient of both the USP Teaching Excellence Award, as well as the NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award. Edmund holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering from Yale University.
Dr Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer

Dr Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer
Dr Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer is a Lecturer in in the Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore. Prior to this, he worked as a lead DevOps engineer at Salesforce.com. He had also served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore. He has received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering (University first rank) from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India in 2004 and Masters and PhD degrees from National University of Singapore in 2008 and 2012 respectively. He brings in a decade of industry experience in various companies including Sasken Communication Technologies, NXP semiconductors and Progress software. He has handled several roles in the software industry including QA Architect, Technical Support Manager, Engineering development and Technology Evangelist. He has strong inclination towards Game Theory. He applies game theory for handling conflicts, enforcing cooperation and for multi-agent systems. His technical knowledge and experience are in various areas including Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing Paradigms (including cloud platforms, containers and Kubernetes), Computer Networks, Software Engineering practices (Agile) and Quality Analysis, Economic models (Game Theoretic principles) and current day practices on cloud-based enterprise architectures, Machine Learning and technology for traditional Indian dance (such as Kathakali) popularization. His mathematical interests include game theory, graph theory, optimization principles etc. Over the past several years he has acquired practical knowledge and experience in various cutting-edge software engineering methodologies including Agile framework and has experience formulating and implementing various software engineering principles using Agile for large and small product development teams. Dr Iyer is active in doing practical industry-oriented research on the above topics of his interest. He also aspires to do research on technological innovations to popularize traditional classical arts such as Kathakali and Koodiyattam. He has published two book chapters in the “Encyclopaedia for Cloud Computing” in 2016 in addition to several book chapters, journals and conference publications. Dr. Iyer has delivered several practical workshops and talks on various cutting-edge technology topics in many academic and industry events in several countries including USA, Europe, Australia and Asia. Many of these were on the contributions made by him in his industry engagement for software quality analysis with current day software engineering principles such as Agile for application development involving cloud platforms, mobile platforms and IoT based systems. Dr Iyer is an IEEE Senior Member. He has been a reviewer of many internationals Journals including IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems and several international conferences. He was also the program chair for several international conferences including ICCCI and ICIWE. Dr Iyer has strong teaching skills and boundless passion for teaching. He was a visiting faculty at IIIT-H (International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad), and has been teaching various subjects including “Game Theory for Computer Science”, “Computer Networks”, “Advanced Computer Networks” and “Scripting and Computer environments” for which, he has framed the syllabus, developed the materials and references, structured the grading scheme and formulated continuous assessment strategies. Further, he was a member of Board of Studies at JNTU-H (a premium university in India) where he participates in framing the syllabus for the university’s upcoming academic year. He is also an expert in performing Kathakali, a traditional Indian dance. He has composed a story in Kathakali and he spends a considerable amount of his personal time to uplift this traditional art by organizing Kathakali performances, workshops and demonstrations and performance by himself. He has also composed a Kathakali story “Sri Mookambika Mahathmyam” which has been staged in multiple venues in India.
Dr Lu Weiquan

Dr Lu Weiquan
Dr Lu Weiquan is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Computing in NUS who examines the User Experience (UX) Design of technologically-empowered learning environments. He designs and utilizes experiential learning technology (such as simulations, Augmented and Virtual Reality) in the courses he teaches, and his education research interests include figuring out how all this technology tangibly and measurably affects human learning using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He also advises the government in the fields of UX design and experiential learning, and he develops Metaverse applications for industry clients. He holds a B.Comp. in Computing and a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from NUS.
Prof Rahul Jain

Prof Rahul Jain
Rahul Jain has been promoted to full Professor from 1 January 2020. He was an Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department of the National University of Singapore (NUS) from July 2013 (Assistant Professor Nov 2008 – July 2013). He obtained his PhD from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India in 2003. He was a post doctoral researcher at the University of California at Berkeley, USA from 2004-2006 and at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), University of Waterloo, Canada from 2006-2008. He obtained Bachelor’s degree (B-Tech) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai (IIT-B), India in 1997. He is a Principle Investigator at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT), Singapore from Nov. 2008.Executive Education Fellows
Mr Paul Soon

Mr Paul Soon
Paul Soon is a seasoned Information and Communications Technology professional with over 24 years of international work experiences with culturally diverse teams from Asia Pacific to Europe. He has worked for major telecom operators such as Singtel, NTT Docomo, H3G, Orange UK; consultancies such as Praxis High Integrity Systems, Qualphone Europe; device vendor Sony Ericsson; and ICT vendor Huawei. Paul’s work experience covered tech training, business and network consulting, solutioning, technical marketing, mobile device interoperability testing and validation, R&D, and wireless network planning and optimisation. Paul is presently Principal Consultant and owner of Acmo Consulting, a Singapore registered business providing AI, cloud and mobile training and consultancy services. Concurrently he is an Associate Trainer for Deloitte and Dream Catcher Technologies. Previously with Huawei, Paul has delivered 4G/5G consulting projects and executive presentations in Singapore and across the Asia Pacific region. Prior to that, he worked on 3G device management, testing and validation for 8 years in the UK and spent a year on-the-job training on early 3G systems in Japan sponsored by the Economic Development Board of Singapore. He has also engaged with the local telecom industry to drive technology leadership such as 5G industry trials, IoT startup accelerator, co-editor of industry task force for IoT/cellular devices security regulatory specifications, and 5G expert speaker at national events such as SkillsFuture Singapore Festival, SGTech Learning Journey Series, National Engineers Day. Paul has conducted training and workshops on technology topics covering 4G, 5G mobile communications, Cloud, AI-ML, IoT, vertical industry use cases, financial analysis and business modelling to a diverse range of customers such as telecom operator, vendor partner, university adult learning academy, bank, professional society, industry association and government agency. Paul was a certified Huawei University trainer for new employees on-boarding. To date, he has obtained professional certifications in Huawei Certified ICT Associate – Cloud Service, Google Cloud certified Professional Cloud Architect, Fundamentals in AI by AI Singapore and Data Science Specialization by Johns Hopkins University. He graduated from the National University of Singapore with a First-Class Honours degree in Electrical Engineering and a minor degree in Business.
Mr Qiu Kai

Mr Qiu Kai
Mr Qiu Kai is the Chief Technology Officer of ANEXT Bank. He is responsible for designing ANEXT Bank’s IT and digital vision to drive business impact, and has developed a robust technology architecture roadmap that supports the full range of digital SME banking services. As an experienced IT leader, Mr Qiu Kai manages a team to develop, manage and maintain the overall security and technology infrastructure of ANEXT Bank, including cybersecurity and business continuity frameworks and measures. He also provides the right environment and support for the team to deliver innovative solutions within budget and timelines. Prior to joining ANEXT Bank, Mr Qiu Kai has worked in various leading software companies and banks including Commonwealth Bank of Australia, to deliver on core banking system implementations across Asia Pacific. In his most recent role at LaSalle Investment Management Asia (“LaSalle”), Mr Qiu Kai undertook the digital transformation roadmap, overall IT operations, cybersecurity, and business continuity management for Asian countries. He successfully established a technology risk management framework and delivered various digital initiatives for LaSalle. Mr Qiu Kai holds a Bachelor of Computing from the National University of Singapore.
Mr Reynels Lee Sze Koon

Mr Reynels Lee Sze Koon
With more than 25 years’ experience in Internet and ICT industries, Mr Reynels Lee is a proven Enterprise Architect and Advisory Consultant that possesses broad experience and knowledge across Far-and-Wide technologies and Business Strategic Consultancy. With particularly focus on Digital Transformation & Technologies, he has extensive experience as Technology Architect and Business Consultant, on the domain of Digital Services, Artificial intelligence, Big Data, Omnichannel eCommerce, SDP, SOA, API Monetization, Telecommunication, Financial Services and Mobile Commerce. As a Regional Customer Delivery Director for APAC Region, of Babylon Health an AI power Digital Health company, he is responsible of Programme Management, Customer Relationship and Customer Success Management. Managing the customers through engagement and coordination, to deliver Babylon Technology & Products to multiple territories, ensuring customer satisfaction in alignment to business visions. Reynels was Chief Technology Officer of Good Doctor Technology (Singapore), that is resulted from a JV between Ping An (China) and Grab (SEA). He is responsible to lead and formulate technology delivery and operation strategy by develop & deliver a strategic technological & business vision and direction for the company, in alignment to delivery of O2O Healthcare Solution in South East Asia. Prior to joining Good Doctor Technology, he was Sr. Management Consultant of Huawei Consulting, leverage on Machine Learning / AI Technology, to provide consultancy & solutions on Customer Value Management & Digital Operation Transformation. In Huawei Technologies, Reynels is also a Principal Architect of Huawei Global Solution Elite Team, responsible to deliver solution and consultancy of Digital Transformation with focus on BSS domain and Digital Solutions for Telco. In this role, he engages and delivers Digital Transformation & Operations Transformation strategic solution to address customer’s business visions through understanding and translating of customer needs to concrete and executable technical solutions & business strategies. In Huawei Technologies, he is also carrying out the responsibilities as the experience Expert Lecturer, participate to involve in course planning, course development, and course lecturing for various cross domain courses. Prior to joining Huawei, Reynels worked in a variety of Director / Senior Manager positions as Head of Value Added & Digital Services, Head of Enterprise Architects, Head of Digital Innovations and Head of Network Operation Architecture etc across the field of Telecommunications, IT, and FSI, carry out the responsibilities from product development, technical development and operations. Reynels graduated from Middlesex University London with MSc in Business Information Technology & Interactive Computing System. Reynels is also a certified Enterprise Architect (TOGAF)Fintech & Blockchain
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi

Dr Amirhassan Monajemi
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi is a Senior Lecturer in AI and Machine Learning with the School of Computing (SoC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Prior to SoC, he was a Senior Lecturer in NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE) teaching AI and Data Science to adult learners. Before joining NUS, he was with the Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan, Iran, where he was serving as a professor of AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science. He was born in Isfahan, Iran. He studied towards BSc and MSc in Computer Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), and Shiraz University respectively. He got his PhD in computer engineering, pattern recognition and image processing, from the University of Bristol, Bristol, England, in 2005. His research interests include AI, Machine Learning, Machine Vision, IoT, Data Science, and their applications. He has taught the artificial intelligence courses, including AI, Advanced AI, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems, Neural Networks, and Cognitive Science since 2005 at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He was awarded the best university teacher of the province in 2012. He also has studied Learning Management Systems, E-Learning, and E-Learning for workplaces since 2007. Dr Monajemi has registered a few patents in the fields of AI, Machine Vision, and Signal Processing applications, including an AI and machine vision-based driver drowsiness detection system and a low power consuming spherical robot. He also has published more than a hundred research papers in peer-reviewed, indexed journals and international conferences (IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, and so on), and supervised several Data Science, IoT, and AI industrial projects in various scales, including Isfahan intelligent traffic system delivery and testing, and red light runners detection. He is experienced in different sub-domains of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, from theory to practice, including Deep Learning, Logic, and Optimisation.
Dr Anand Bhojan

Dr Anand Bhojan
Dr Anand Bhojan graduated with B.Sc. in Computing with Gold Medal from Bharathiar University in 1994, Professional Masters in Computer Applications from Bharathidasan University in 1999, PGC in Teaching Higher Education from University of Sheffield, UK in 2003 and P.hD. from NUS in 2011. He received research achievement award and his thesis was nominated for best PhD thesis award. He is a member of the Communication and Internet Research Lab (www.cir.nus.edu.sg) and Graduate studies committee. He is the founder of Anuflora Systems (www.anuflora.com) and Virtual and Augmented Reality Labs (www.varlabs.org). He is the Associate Editor of Computers and Electrical Engineering Journal, Elsevier. He is the Vice President of International Researchers club, Singapore. He has been serving as Organizing Chair and Program Chair of several International conferences and in the Program Committees of several International conferences. He has given Keynote talks in IEEE/ACM International Conferences.
Dr Dumitrel Loghin

Dr Dumitrel Loghin
Dumitrel Loghin is a Senior Staff Engineer at OKG working on blockchain research and development. Previously, he was a Research Assistant Professor at the School of Computing (SoC), National University of Singapore (NUS), working in the Singapore Blockchain Innovation Programme (SBIP). Dumitrel has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore in 2017, a Master’s degree in Advanced Computer Architecture from Politehnica University of Bucharest in 2012, and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the same university in 2010. He has teaching experience in blockchain and smart contracts, parallel and distributed computing, and cloud computing.
Mr Shashank Shekhar Tripathi

Mr Shashank Shekhar Tripathi
Mr Shashank Shekhar Tripathi is an Instructor at the Department of Information Systems and Analytics (DISA) at the School of computing, National University of Singapore. He teaches “Application development for business analytics” and “Systematic trading” to the undergraduate students. He holds the designation Chartered Market Technician (CMT)and Certified Financial Technician(CFTe) . Prior to this, Shashank worked as a Senior Software Engineer at the NUS Fintech Lab where he worked on developing applications related to financial technology. He has a vast experience in oil and gas industry in the domain of corporate finance, financial evaluations, and simulations. He has a huge interest in financial markets, blockchain technology and data analytics. He researches extensively to design, develop and test strategies for algo trading utilizing machine learning, fundamental analysis, and technical analysis. He is an experienced trainer and consultant of data visualization, robotic process automation, and algo trading.
Ms Samantha Sow

Ms Samantha Sow
Ms. Samantha Sow is currently a Senior Lecturer in the department of Information Systems and Analytics at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She has over 8+ years of experience in Business Analytics and Data Science and she conducts training for both government agencies and corporate clients. Before joining NUS, she lectures at Temasek Polytechnic, teaching Business Analytics and Data Science to professionals, managers and executives (PMEs). Prior to being an academia, Samantha worked in the research and development at Infineon Technologies. Her research and project areas include Business Analytics, Data Mining, Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics. She has a passion for engaging and inspiring participants to enhance their workplace analytics capabilities and increase business intelligence quotient within their organisations. Her interests lie in the applications of data analytics, predictive modelling and optimization techniques to derive actionable insights for commercial effectiveness. She is familiar with typical analytics tools such as Python, R, and SAS, SPSS and Tableau. She also has working knowledge in the area of Analytics, Data Science and Machine Learning. Samantha completed her Master of Education from University of Sheffield and graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor’s in Engineering, First Class Honours. She has also completed THEC (Teaching in Higher Education) and ACTA (Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment). She is a member of the adult associate educator (AEN) by Institute for Adult Learning (IAL), Singapore. Her certifications include: Microsoft Certified Azure Data Scientist Associate. Microsoft Certified Data Analyst Associate. SAS Certified Predictive Modeller in SAS Enterprise Miner. Tableau Certified Desktop Specialist.
Thomas Chevrier

Thomas Chevrier
Thomas Chevrier is an Adjunct Professor at NUS, School of Computing and a founding corporate executive of TORANOTEC, a leading Japanese Fintech venture. Before his tenure at TORANOTEC, Thomas was an Adjunct Professor of Finance at ESSEC and an Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business and, prior to that, the Head of State Street Associates for Asia Pacific, providing portfolio and strategy level quantitative analysis services to pension funds (public and corporate), central banks, sovereign wealth funds, asset managers, etc. Thomas holds a PhD in Finance and an MBA from the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business, an MA in Economics from the University of Chicago, an M.S. in Statistics applied to Economics and Finance from the University of Paris I and VII, and an MBA with concentrations in Finance, Econometrics, and Actuarial Sciences from ESSEC. He is a licensed pilot, land and sea, a master scuba diver, and 28x Ironman finisher.Executive Education Fellows
Dr Guo Lei

Dr Guo Lei
Dr Guo Lei is an active educator and researcher in data science, behavioural study and design thinking, with extensive experience in delivering practice-based learning programmes and applied research projects with successful results. Starting her career in Singapore as a marketing practitioner, Dr Guo worked across manufacturing, entertainment and education industries. She was the Chief Representative in China for a Singapore listed company. She was also responsible for setting up Shanghai Office and promoting executive education programmes for NUS Business School in Greater China market. With the aspiration of bridging the gap between research and practice, Dr Guo pursued her PhD in the UK, where she worked on large-scale research projects with Cambridge University Service Alliance, BAE Systems and China Mobile. Dr Guo returned to Singapore and joined NUS as a faculty member in 2011. She has particular experience in tackling complex challenges through applied research and education. She was the Principal Investigator for a series of research projects to inform better public transport policy decisions. She consults corporate clients on data analytics, user experience design and service innovation. Dr Guo teaches executive programmes of Data Analytics and Design Thinking at NUS. She has a passion for engaging and inspiring working professionals at all levels by applying the theory to real world business applications. Dr Guo holds a PhD in Marketing from University of Exeter, an MBA from University of Adelaide University and a BA in Literature from Beijing Normal University.
Mr Jon Scheele

Mr Jon Scheele
Mr Jon Scheele provides IT strategy, data analytics, security, interoperability and industry specific consulting and training to management and workgroups at leading companies in the financial services and telecommunications industries. Jon also trains, coaches and mentors to develop high performing teams and identifies how to apply emerging technologies to meet evolving customer needs. A special focus is helping companies build their ability to partner within and beyond their industry using Open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Jon has provided several clients’ projects to define an API strategy and roadmap to support their business strategy, build multi-disciplinary teams to identify customer needs, create, publish and govern APIs, and foster developer communities to extend the firm’s core offering to its customers. Amongst others, Jon has implemented initiatives for ANZ Banking Group, Singtel, Telecom Italia, Telefonica Germany and Telstra. Jon holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration, a Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering, and Graduate Diplomas in Applied Finance and Digital Communications.
Mr Uli Hitzel

Mr Uli Hitzel
Uli Hitzel has been working with data engineering, automation, and distributed systems since the early days of the internet. With experience from companies including Dyson, Microsoft, Red Hat, Yahoo! and IBM, he now advises startups and enterprises on technology innovation and AI adoption. In recent years, he has worked on building a digital healthcare platform in times of a pandemic, as well as leading a platform engineering team for an e-commerce unicorn expanding into Asia-Pacific. As the founder of Electric Minds, Uli is looking to combine machine intelligence with human ingenuity to inspire new ways of thinking and help solve some of the most challenging problems we face as a global society today. He has been teaching at National University of Singapore since 2020.
Ms Claudia Marcusson

Ms Claudia Marcusson
Ms Claudia Marcusson is a sustainability and climate-tech expert with a stellar career in Financial Services, education, entrepreneurship & innovation. She has over 22 years of financial industry expertise in investment management, insurance, banking and FinTech having worked in the U.S., U.K., Germany, The Netherlands and Singapore. She worked in various leadership roles at Standard Chartered Bank, ING, NN Group, BNP Paribas, ABN AMRO, and State Street Bank to name a few. Since 2018, Claudia is an Executive Education Fellow at the National University of Singapore focusing on FinTech, digitalisation, agile working and corporate innovation & entrepreneurship as well as Green IT & Sustainability. She gives training and Masterclasses to corporates and C-suite executives and is a guest lecturer at Singapore Management University, Emeritus, SP Jain School of Global Management and Singapore Academy of Law. Claudia has been living in Singapore for 8 years where she was Chief Risk Officer APAC for ING Investment Management. Later, she joined Standard Chartered Bank building out the corporate venture arm and running entrepreneurship & innovation programs for the bank, partners and regulators. As Global Head of Client Experience Center she led numerous client co-creation programs with a focus on digital transformation and sustainability for corporate clients worldwide. Claudia has been CEO of Germany’s first asset-tokenization platform offering fractional yield-ownership for renewable energy assets before she set up her own advisory business in 2023. She enjoys working closely with corporations and founders as a Non-Executive Director, board advisor and mentor focused on decarbonizing existing business models and transforming products into sustainable and financially attractive value propositions. She is an investment advisor to impact VC funds in Europe and Singapore and a mentor & strategic advisor to several Accelerators in Singapore, Germany, Korea and India. She is a certified SCRUM Master and a licensed instructor and expert in Human-Centred Design & Design Thinking, Lean Start-up and agile methods. Claudia holds an LL.M. degree in Chinese Business Law as well as an M.Sc. in Economics and Quantitative Research.Instructors
Dr Justin Chan

Dr Justin Chan
Dr Justin Chan is the founder and CEO of JCube Capital Partners, a multi-faceted investment management company with Capital Markets Service license under the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). Besides, he is also the founder of DataDrivenInvestor (DDI) (and DDI Medium), home to 1.5 million monthly readers and writers worldwide in technology, finance, and entrepreneurship. DDI is also an application ecosystem empowering investors, technologists, and professionals with data, knowledge, and expertise in their quests for investment insights and opportunities. Dr Chan was a former quantitative strategist at Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo. A former researcher and published author in finance, Dr Chan specialised in microstructure, alternative data and behavioral finance, published in peer-reviewed finance academic journals, and was a research faculty at Singapore Management University. He received his Ph.D. in finance at UCLA Anderson School.
Mr Branson Lee

Mr Branson Lee
Mr Branson Lee has taught fintech and blockchain courses to private banks and financial institutions since 2017. He is currently the Director for Alice Foundation (a Swedish blockchain game company). Prior to this, he helped conceptualise and set up a fully MAS-licensed digital asset exchange, ECXX.com. ECXX is the first licensed exchange in Singapore to connect to the national registry, MyInfo, for quick onboarding. In 2018, Branson co-founded and successfully launched an enterprise blockchain startup that raised USD 10.5m funding. Passionate in blockchain technology, Branson served two terms as an Executive Committee member for the Singapore Fintech Association and is a founding member of the Blockchain Association of Singapore. He has over 18 years of experience working and leading teams in business information and technology companies like Gartner Consulting, LinkedIn, Sun Microsystems, Bureau van Dijk (part of Moody’s) and others spanning across regions in Asia. Branson holds a MSc. Degree in Wealth and Asset Management as well as an undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering. He has also completed Fintech Certificate from MIT and Alternative Investments from New York University.
Mr Dixant Mittal

Mr Dixant Mittal
Mr Dixant Mittal is a final year PhD student at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore, under the supervision of Professor Lee Wee Sun. His research interests include Machine Learning and Robotics. He graduated with a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore in 2018 and a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from the National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra in 2015. He worked as a Backend Software Engineer in Snapdeal, an e-commerce company. Dixant has a strong aptitude for algorithms and computer programming. His insatiable thirst to seek knowledge led him to pursue higher studies in Singapore and become an expert in his research area. He is passionate about teaching and believes in learning at all stages of life, which motivated him to join as a co-facilitator in the FintechSG course organised by the National University of Singapore.Interactive Media Development & Metaverse
A/Prof Danny Poo

A/Prof Danny Poo
A/Prof Danny Poo brings with him 35 years of Software Engineering and Information Technology and Management experience. A graduate from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), England, Dr Poo is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore. Prior to joining the University, Dr Poo was with the System Operations at DBSBank, Singapore. A Steering Committee member of the Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Dr Poo is actively involved in Information Management and Healthcare Analytics research. A well-known speaker in seminars, Dr Poo has conducted numerous in-house training and consultancy for organizations, both locally and regionally. Dr Poo is the author of five books on Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Java Programming language and Enterprise JavaBeans.Dr Poo notable teaching credentials include:
- Data Strategy
- Data StoryTelling
- Data Visualisation
- Data Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Data Management
- Data Governance
- Data Architecture
- Capstone Projects for Business Analytics
- Software Engineering
- Server-side Systems Design and Development
- Information Technology Project Management
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Analytics
- Health Informatics Leadership.
- Deutsche Bank
- Gemplus
- Micron
- Rhode-Schwarz
- Standard Chartered Bank
- ST Electronic
- Monetary Authority of Singapore
- Infocomm Development Authority
- National Library Board
- Ministry of Manpower
- Nanyang Technological University
- Nanyang Polytechnic
- National University Hospital.
Dr Ai Xin

Dr Ai Xin
Dr Ai Xin is currently a Lecturer with the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She has many years’ experience teaching Artificial Intelligence and Data Science courses such as machine learning, deep learning and data mining. She graduated from NUS with a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Her research focused on Game Theoretical Modelling, Optimization Methods, Algorithm Design and Wireless Networks. She worked at BHP Billiton Marketing Asia for eight years, gaining extensive industry experience in various functions such as risk management, supply chain management, and sales and marketing planning.
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi

Dr Amirhassan Monajemi
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi is a Senior Lecturer in AI and Machine Learning with the School of Computing (SoC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Prior to SoC, he was a Senior Lecturer in NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE) teaching AI and Data Science to adult learners. Before joining NUS, he was with the Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan, Iran, where he was serving as a professor of AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science. He was born in Isfahan, Iran. He studied towards BSc and MSc in Computer Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), and Shiraz University respectively. He got his PhD in computer engineering, pattern recognition and image processing, from the University of Bristol, Bristol, England, in 2005. His research interests include AI, Machine Learning, Machine Vision, IoT, Data Science, and their applications. He has taught the artificial intelligence courses, including AI, Advanced AI, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems, Neural Networks, and Cognitive Science since 2005 at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He was awarded the best university teacher of the province in 2012. He also has studied Learning Management Systems, E-Learning, and E-Learning for workplaces since 2007. Dr Monajemi has registered a few patents in the fields of AI, Machine Vision, and Signal Processing applications, including an AI and machine vision-based driver drowsiness detection system and a low power consuming spherical robot. He also has published more than a hundred research papers in peer-reviewed, indexed journals and international conferences (IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, and so on), and supervised several Data Science, IoT, and AI industrial projects in various scales, including Isfahan intelligent traffic system delivery and testing, and red light runners detection. He is experienced in different sub-domains of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, from theory to practice, including Deep Learning, Logic, and Optimisation.
Dr Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer

Dr Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer
Dr Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer is a Lecturer in in the Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore. Prior to this, he worked as a lead DevOps engineer at Salesforce.com. He had also served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore. He has received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering (University first rank) from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India in 2004 and Masters and PhD degrees from National University of Singapore in 2008 and 2012 respectively. He brings in a decade of industry experience in various companies including Sasken Communication Technologies, NXP semiconductors and Progress software. He has handled several roles in the software industry including QA Architect, Technical Support Manager, Engineering development and Technology Evangelist. He has strong inclination towards Game Theory. He applies game theory for handling conflicts, enforcing cooperation and for multi-agent systems. His technical knowledge and experience are in various areas including Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing Paradigms (including cloud platforms, containers and Kubernetes), Computer Networks, Software Engineering practices (Agile) and Quality Analysis, Economic models (Game Theoretic principles) and current day practices on cloud-based enterprise architectures, Machine Learning and technology for traditional Indian dance (such as Kathakali) popularization. His mathematical interests include game theory, graph theory, optimization principles etc. Over the past several years he has acquired practical knowledge and experience in various cutting-edge software engineering methodologies including Agile framework and has experience formulating and implementing various software engineering principles using Agile for large and small product development teams. Dr Iyer is active in doing practical industry-oriented research on the above topics of his interest. He also aspires to do research on technological innovations to popularize traditional classical arts such as Kathakali and Koodiyattam. He has published two book chapters in the “Encyclopaedia for Cloud Computing” in 2016 in addition to several book chapters, journals and conference publications. Dr. Iyer has delivered several practical workshops and talks on various cutting-edge technology topics in many academic and industry events in several countries including USA, Europe, Australia and Asia. Many of these were on the contributions made by him in his industry engagement for software quality analysis with current day software engineering principles such as Agile for application development involving cloud platforms, mobile platforms and IoT based systems. Dr Iyer is an IEEE Senior Member. He has been a reviewer of many internationals Journals including IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems and several international conferences. He was also the program chair for several international conferences including ICCCI and ICIWE. Dr Iyer has strong teaching skills and boundless passion for teaching. He was a visiting faculty at IIIT-H (International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad), and has been teaching various subjects including “Game Theory for Computer Science”, “Computer Networks”, “Advanced Computer Networks” and “Scripting and Computer environments” for which, he has framed the syllabus, developed the materials and references, structured the grading scheme and formulated continuous assessment strategies. Further, he was a member of Board of Studies at JNTU-H (a premium university in India) where he participates in framing the syllabus for the university’s upcoming academic year. He is also an expert in performing Kathakali, a traditional Indian dance. He has composed a story in Kathakali and he spends a considerable amount of his personal time to uplift this traditional art by organizing Kathakali performances, workshops and demonstrations and performance by himself. He has also composed a Kathakali story “Sri Mookambika Mahathmyam” which has been staged in multiple venues in India.
Dr Lu Weiquan

Dr Lu Weiquan
Dr Lu Weiquan is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Computing in NUS who examines the User Experience (UX) Design of technologically-empowered learning environments. He designs and utilizes experiential learning technology (such as simulations, Augmented and Virtual Reality) in the courses he teaches, and his education research interests include figuring out how all this technology tangibly and measurably affects human learning using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He also advises the government in the fields of UX design and experiential learning, and he develops Metaverse applications for industry clients. He holds a B.Comp. in Computing and a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from NUS.Instructor
Rahul Nath

Rahul Nath
Rahul Nath is a creative technologist with 17 years of experience in games and films. He has shipped over 10 games and directed 4 pilot series. He has leveraged technology such as motion capture, face capture, real-time game engines, Virtual Reality and XR in the projects he was involved in to continuously push the envelope of what is possible. He has previously worked at Digipen Institute of Technology, Virtuos Games, Maui and Digital Chocolate and currently is focused on use cases involving game engines in trans media projects.”Software Engineering & Programming
A/Prof Aaron Tan

A/Prof Aaron Tan
A/Prof Aaron Tan is an Associate Professor and Assistant Dean at the Department of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore School of Computing. Aaron’s interests lie in programming and data structures. He is currently teaching programming methodology, data structures and algorithms, discrete mathematics and computer organisation. Aaron has won several teaching awards both at the school level as well as university level in the period from 1999 through 2010, and has been placed on the honour roll since 2010.
A/Prof Danny Poo

A/Prof Danny Poo
A/Prof Danny Poo brings with him 35 years of Software Engineering and Information Technology and Management experience. A graduate from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), England, Dr Poo is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore. Prior to joining the University, Dr Poo was with the System Operations at DBSBank, Singapore. A Steering Committee member of the Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Dr Poo is actively involved in Information Management and Healthcare Analytics research. A well-known speaker in seminars, Dr Poo has conducted numerous in-house training and consultancy for organizations, both locally and regionally. Dr Poo is the author of five books on Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Java Programming language and Enterprise JavaBeans.Dr Poo notable teaching credentials include:
- Data Strategy
- Data StoryTelling
- Data Visualisation
- Data Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Data Management
- Data Governance
- Data Architecture
- Capstone Projects for Business Analytics
- Software Engineering
- Server-side Systems Design and Development
- Information Technology Project Management
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Analytics
- Health Informatics Leadership.
- Deutsche Bank
- Gemplus
- Micron
- Rhode-Schwarz
- Standard Chartered Bank
- ST Electronic
- Monetary Authority of Singapore
- Infocomm Development Authority
- National Library Board
- Ministry of Manpower
- Nanyang Technological University
- Nanyang Polytechnic
- National University Hospital.
A/Prof Soo Yuen Jien

A/Prof Soo Yuen Jien
A/Prof Soo Yuen Jien has been in NUS for more than 20 years. He received the B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D degree from NUS in year 2000, 2001 and 2006 respectively. Starting off as a teaching assistant in year 2000, he has since enjoyed teaching for 10 plus years. Yuen Jien is now an Associate Professor in Computer Science Department of School of Computing.
A/Prof Wong Weng Fai

A/Prof Wong Weng Fai
A/Prof Wong Weng Fai works in the systems area with particular interest in the interface between the hardware and software stacks, and how they can be mutually co-optimized. He has worked on optimizing software and applications for novel hardware including FPGAs, GPUs, non-volatile memory, and specialized bus interfaces. These days, his focus is on approximate computing, including precision analysis, variable precision arithmetic, and approximation of deep learning networks using approximate hardware accelerators.
Dr Ai Xin

Dr Ai Xin
Dr Ai Xin is currently a Lecturer with the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She has many years’ experience teaching Artificial Intelligence and Data Science courses such as machine learning, deep learning and data mining. She graduated from NUS with a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Her research focused on Game Theoretical Modelling, Optimization Methods, Algorithm Design and Wireless Networks. She worked at BHP Billiton Marketing Asia for eight years, gaining extensive industry experience in various functions such as risk management, supply chain management, and sales and marketing planning.
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi

Dr Amirhassan Monajemi
Dr Amirhassan Monajemi is a Senior Lecturer in AI and Machine Learning with the School of Computing (SoC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Prior to SoC, he was a Senior Lecturer in NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE) teaching AI and Data Science to adult learners. Before joining NUS, he was with the Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan, Iran, where he was serving as a professor of AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science. He was born in Isfahan, Iran. He studied towards BSc and MSc in Computer Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), and Shiraz University respectively. He got his PhD in computer engineering, pattern recognition and image processing, from the University of Bristol, Bristol, England, in 2005. His research interests include AI, Machine Learning, Machine Vision, IoT, Data Science, and their applications. He has taught the artificial intelligence courses, including AI, Advanced AI, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems, Neural Networks, and Cognitive Science since 2005 at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He was awarded the best university teacher of the province in 2012. He also has studied Learning Management Systems, E-Learning, and E-Learning for workplaces since 2007. Dr Monajemi has registered a few patents in the fields of AI, Machine Vision, and Signal Processing applications, including an AI and machine vision-based driver drowsiness detection system and a low power consuming spherical robot. He also has published more than a hundred research papers in peer-reviewed, indexed journals and international conferences (IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, and so on), and supervised several Data Science, IoT, and AI industrial projects in various scales, including Isfahan intelligent traffic system delivery and testing, and red light runners detection. He is experienced in different sub-domains of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, from theory to practice, including Deep Learning, Logic, and Optimisation.
Dr Anand Bhojan

Dr Anand Bhojan
Dr Anand Bhojan graduated with B.Sc. in Computing with Gold Medal from Bharathiar University in 1994, Professional Masters in Computer Applications from Bharathidasan University in 1999, PGC in Teaching Higher Education from University of Sheffield, UK in 2003 and P.hD. from NUS in 2011. He received research achievement award and his thesis was nominated for best PhD thesis award. He is a member of the Communication and Internet Research Lab (www.cir.nus.edu.sg) and Graduate studies committee. He is the founder of Anuflora Systems (www.anuflora.com) and Virtual and Augmented Reality Labs (www.varlabs.org). He is the Associate Editor of Computers and Electrical Engineering Journal, Elsevier. He is the Vice President of International Researchers club, Singapore. He has been serving as Organizing Chair and Program Chair of several International conferences and in the Program Committees of several International conferences. He has given Keynote talks in IEEE/ACM International Conferences.
Dr Jithin Vachery

Dr Jithin Vachery
Jithin Vachery is a Lecturer at the School of Computing, NUS, Singapore. Prior to this, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow working with Prof. Mohan S Kankanhalli in the N-CRiPT lab. His current research is focused on social network analysis. He obtained his PhD from the Computer Science Department at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, under the guidance of Prof. Sayan Ranu in the AIDB Lab, IIT-M. His thesis is focused on searching and optimization on graphs. Before joining IIT-M, he obtained his Master of Engineering degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Computer Science and Automation Department at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, where he worked with Prof. Ambedkar Dukkipati in the area of Information Theory.
Dr Leong Wai Kay

Dr Leong Wai Kay
Dr Leong Wai Kay is a lecturer with the Department of Computer Science at National University of Singapore (NUS). He graduated with Bachelor of Computing and PhD in Computer Science from National University of Singapore. He is currently teaching undergraduate courses in programming methodology, and software engineering on iOS platform.
Dr Nitya Lakshmanan

Dr Nitya Lakshmanan
Dr Nitya Lakshmanan is currently a Lecturer at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala in 2008, Master’s degree from Anna University, Chennai in 2011. She graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Ph.D. degree in 2022. Her thesis focuses on identifying side channels in modern wireless systems that can be exploited to violate user privacy. Her work has been acknowledged in the GSMA Hall of Fame for discovering a new security vulnerability involving mobile phones. She has worked for 5 years in engineering colleges in India and has prior experience in teaching networking and programming course.UX/UI Design & Digital Product Management
A/Prof Wadhwa Bimlesh

A/Prof Wadhwa Bimlesh
A/Prof Wadhwa Bimlesh is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Assistant Dean (Student Life) of the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She received her Ph.D. degree (1990) in Computer Science (Software Metrics) from University of Delhi, India. She also holds an M.Tech. (2000) degree in Software Engineering from National University of Singapore, an M.Sc. degree (1985) in Physics from University of Delhi, and a B.Sc. (Honours) degree (1983) in Physics from University of Delhi. Dr Wadhwa’s research and teaching interests include software engineering, interaction design, information visualization and computing education. In her teaching engagements, A/Prof Wadhwa has supervised many undergraduate and post-graduate students in the NUS School of Computing. She has developed, coordinated and taught several courses in the areas of software engineering and human computer interaction e.g. object oriented analysis and design, software engineering principles and patterns, software system design, interaction design, and information visualization. In her recent research work, A/Prof Wadhwa has worked on gender issues in human-computer interaction, user modelling and evaluation of health applications and in improving quality of software design models. Her research has been presented in major conferences such as the FSE Foundations of Software Engineering, Workshop at ICSE International Conference on Software Engineering, and CHI Conference on Human Computer Interaction. A/Prof Wadhwa has also contributed book chapters to volumes including Wiley Handbook for Human-Computer Interaction and Springer’s Informatics and Communication Technologies for Societal Development. A/Prof Wadhwa is the initiator and leader of the Code for Community programme, an initiative by NUS School of Computing to bring computing education to underserved communities. She has been very active in organising and judging many national and international competitions and hackathons including CodeXtreme, NUS Data Science Challenge, Singapore Science and Engineering Fair(SSEF), and Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. A/Prof Wadhwa is also an active member of MakerLab at School of Computing, a Faculty representative at Student Chapter of Singapore Computer Society, and advisor to Computing Club, at NUS School of Computing.
Dr Lu Weiquan

Dr Lu Weiquan
Dr Lu Weiquan is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Computing in NUS who examines the User Experience (UX) Design of technologically-empowered learning environments. He designs and utilizes experiential learning technology (such as simulations, Augmented and Virtual Reality) in the courses he teaches, and his education research interests include figuring out how all this technology tangibly and measurably affects human learning using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He also advises the government in the fields of UX design and experiential learning, and he develops Metaverse applications for industry clients. He holds a B.Comp. in Computing and a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from NUS.
Mr Lee Boon Kee