Are you hungry enough to get out of this crisis and seize the opportunities ahead of you?

The coronavirus crisis has brought with it a recession, job losses and new operating models. We’ll discuss how companies need to work for the next 5 years and what Singapore needs to be doing. Is it true that “You deserve better”? Is that what the pioneer generation thought? Nope, instead it was, how are we going to compete.

In this webinar, Assoc. Professor Keith Carter of NUS, School of Computing together with Prof Alex Siow, Director of Advanced Computing for Executives (ACE), NUS will be discussing the following:

•       This is a time when it is easier to start a company than ever before, why aren’t more people doing that like the pioneer generation did?

•       It is easier to compete internationally, and there is government support, why aren’t there Singapore Unicorns?

•       Do you deserve a top job without overseas working experience?

•       Alex transformed from Civil Engineer to CIO, what is a good transformation for you?

•       A lot of 30-60 years old got stuck in dead-end jobs and now are struggling. How can this be avoided and what can be done to bring hope in a time of need?